First of all thank you for this wonderful project and I hope this is the appropriate place to ask questions.
I am running into an issue using jquery and json to place markers on my 3D Globe from a json file. The code I am running appears below.
function init() {
var options = { altitude: 6000000, position: [47.19537,8.524404], proxyHost: '' };
var earth = new WebGLEarth('webgl', options);
$.getJSON("{{=URL(r=request, f='call', args=['json','earth'])}}", function(data) {
$(data).each(function() {
var project = this;
placemark = earth.initMarker(51.507222, -0.1275); //parseFloat(project["projects"].latitude), parseFloat(project["projects"].longitude));
It seems it is never get's to placing the placemark. I assume because of the way jquery may take over the onload event. Any advice on how I can fix this is greatly appreciated. The error I get is:
TypeError: a.a is undefined 170
Thanks for any help!