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Kai Hendry

Apr 26, 2009, 1:16:46 PM4/26/09
to webc-users
Hi guys,

Normally I would do some public testing, though I am keen to make
another release soon-ish once the Debian Installer is working again
for us.

Otherwise please reply on this thread with constructive feedback. :-)


Apr 27, 2009, 8:48:50 AM4/27/09
to Webconverger Users
Hello Kai,

I've downloaded the latest version of Webconverger and burned an
image. I plan to try it out today. The concept is very appealing -
running the computer with a live CD that retains no information.
That's fantastic if it would be a truly secure way to do online

Then the suspicious part of my psyche spoke up: "Suppose someone
provided a 'secure' OS that was built to transmit confidential
information?" I guess this could be done.

Seems to me that Webconverger will have to build a tremendous amount
of trust for it to succeed. I'm very comfortable with Windows and
Linux, but I certainly wouldn't know how to test it.

I guess if a major bank started handing out Webconverger CDs, that
would be the ultimate endorsement.

Best wishes,

Kai Hendry

Apr 27, 2009, 3:13:27 PM4/27/09
2009/4/27 zengrits <>:

> Seems to me that Webconverger will have to build a tremendous amount
> of trust for it to succeed. I'm very comfortable with Windows and
> Linux, but I certainly wouldn't know how to test it.

Unlike Windows, Webconverger is opensource and welcomes security
review. The sources are available on the download page.

To act as a small incentive, if you compromise a running Webconverger
and let me know how you did it, you will be entitled to a free T-shirt
and an acknowledgement.

> I guess if a major bank started handing out Webconverger CDs, that
> would be the ultimate endorsement.

Major banks around the world already use Webconverger, though I am not
liberty to say who they are.

Sometime ago a Canadian security researcher gave some endorsement too.

Kind regards,

Apr 28, 2009, 8:03:39 AM4/28/09
to Webconverger Users
Do I get a free tshirt (or 60 - assuming each tshirt costs you £10
this will make up for my standard day (mates) rate - which to be fair
is over charging you as it only took 5 minutes to compromise) :)

let me know when the new version is out and ill take a gander at that
too ;)


On Apr 27, 8:13 pm, Kai Hendry <> wrote:
> 2009/4/27 zengrits <>:
> > Seems to me that Webconverger will have to build a tremendous amount
> > of trust for it to succeed. I'm very comfortable with Windows and
> > Linux, but I certainly wouldn't know how to test it.
> Unlike Windows, Webconverger is opensource and welcomes security
> review. The sources are available on the download page.
> To act as a small incentive, if you compromise a running Webconverger
> and let me know how you did it, you will be entitled to a free T-shirt
> and an acknowledgement.
> > I guess if a major bank started handing out Webconverger CDs, that
> > would be the ultimate endorsement.
> Major banks around the world already use Webconverger, though I am not
> liberty to say who they are.
> Sometime ago a Canadian security researcher gave some endorsement too.
> Kind regards,

Kai Hendry

Apr 28, 2009, 3:18:44 PM4/28/09
Please could you report security issues to security AT

I hope reviewers will please practice 'responsible disclosure'.

With thanks,

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