Upgrade don't work behind a proxy server

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Alexander G

Mar 6, 2014, 8:21:44 AM3/6/14
to webc-...@googlegroups.com
API cmdline have: http_proxy=http://proxy.my.ru:3128

In log i have:  Fetching git revision master failed

I try in debug mode:

/$ sudo bash
/# git --git-dir "/live/image/live/filesystem.git " fetch --depth=1 --quiet origin master
... timeout error
/# export http_proxy=http://proxy.my.ru:3128
/# curl www.google.com
/# git --git-dir "/live/image/live/filesystem.git " fetch --depth=1 --quiet origin master
... timeout error
/# git config --global http.proxy $http_proxy
/# git --git-dir "/live/image/live/filesystem.git " fetch --depth=1 --quiet origin master

Should I add the line "git config --global http.proxy $http_proxy" in "/etc/webc/wireless"?

Kai Hendry

Mar 6, 2014, 8:24:47 AM3/6/14
to webc-users
Oh this is interesting if git doesn't take in the environment variable
like I assumed it would.

Yes, https://github.com/Webconverger/webc/blob/master/etc/webc/wireless#L37
would probably be the right place to patch Webconverger.

I'll have a look at this tomorrow. Else please file a bug upon
https://github.com/Webconverger/webc/issues to track this.

Thank you Alexander,

Kai Hendry

Mar 7, 2014, 2:04:58 AM3/7/14
to webc-users
I tried a couple of things like setting the environment in a different way


And setting up my authenticated proxy in gitconfig. I can't see any
access from git to /var/log/squid3/access.log

Have you made it work Alexander? Maybe I'm missing something. Please
send me your working patch, whatever the case.

I don't have a good proxy environment to test this.

Kind regards,

Alexander G

Mar 7, 2014, 8:09:46 AM3/7/14
to webc-...@googlegroups.com, hen...@webconverger.com
Hi, Kai!

I tried. I see in log:

Upgrade waiting to be triggered
Fetching git revision maser

I 'll try it at real work later.

Alexander G

Mar 25, 2014, 9:21:37 AM3/25/14
to webc-...@googlegroups.com, hen...@webconverger.com
Hi, Kai!

I add "git config --system http.proxy $http_proxy" in "/etc/webc/wireless"

I see log in debug mode:

: Upgrade waiting to be triggered.
: Fetching git revision master
: Fetching git revision master failed

I try in debug mode:

/# git --git-dir "/live/image/live/filesystem.git " rev-parse --verify
fatal: Needed a single revision

Kai Hendry

Mar 25, 2014, 9:24:19 AM3/25/14
to webc-users
Hmmm, are you able to get `git config --system http.proxy ...` working
on a non-Webconverger machine?

Thanks for getting back to me Alexander,

Alexander G

Mar 25, 2014, 10:09:21 AM3/25/14
to webc-...@googlegroups.com, hen...@webconverger.com
It's work. I see that it requires two reboots. I have the update after two reboots!

вторник, 25 марта 2014 г., 17:24:19 UTC+4 пользователь Kai Hendry написал:
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Alexander G

Mar 25, 2014, 10:15:13 AM3/25/14
to webc-...@googlegroups.com, hen...@webconverger.com
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