FF29 Australis UI changes and how they affect Webconverger

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Kai Hendry

May 20, 2014, 3:56:22 AM5/20/14
to webc-users
Hey there,

Truth be told, I want the basic user interface (UI) of a Web browser
to be absolutely stable. I know from experience with my parents for
example how much trouble they can have with the smallest of UI

However combating Mozilla's new "Australis UI" seems like an uphill
battle. I think we've reached a minimal compromise and you can see the
changes for yourself here:


Mike and I are doing a few more tweaks before merging the FF29 branch
to master. So do please have a look and do feel free to contribute
constructive comments!

http://build.webconverger.org/ff29-9d4b191.iso <--- temporary build
for you to try

Kind regards,
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