Relationships not exporting in TSV

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Stephanie Walton

May 6, 2021, 4:35:18 AM5/6/21
to webanno-user
Hi there-

I am using WebAnno to annotate linkages between entities for building a knowledge graph data set. I understand after reading through some messages that Inception might be better for this. However, I would still like to understand how the export to TSV works.

When I export my annotations, some of the relationships are not exported. I do not have any tokens that are annotated in isolation - every token is related to another token and every token has a feature value. 

Yet when I export, about 50% of the token are coming through as unlinked. This is happening for both relationships within sentences and between sentences.

I have attached a screenshot of a (cleaned up) version of the data export. You can see how many rows show no relationship - however in the platform, each of these tokens is linked to another token.

Thank you!

Screenshot 2021-05-06 at 09.33.46.png
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