compile_application() not including symlinked views (while it includes symlinked controllers)

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Apr 3, 2019, 4:58:43 PM4/3/19
to web2py-users
I have an application that uses symlinks for some of its controllers, models and views.
Symlinked controllers and models are compiled properly, but something weird happens with symlinked views.

For example, this symlinked controller:
controllers/ --> symlink to external file

... is properly compiled to this files:

And even the "models" folder, which is totally symlinked:
models/ --> symlink to external folder

... is properly compiled to this file:

So it appears that the compilation follows symlinked files and folders.
But I have a symlinked folder inside "views" and the compilation process appears to ignore it. 

For example, these views:
views/global/ --> symlink to external folder

... are compiled to only this:

Notice it doesn't include any of the .html files that are inside the symlinked folder.
Is this a bug or is it the expected result?

Leonel Câmara

Apr 4, 2019, 6:59:49 AM4/4/19
to web2py-users
Could it be a permissions problem?


Apr 4, 2019, 7:21:09 AM4/4/19
to web2py-users
I don't think so, because the symlink has the same permissions (also owner) of the other symlinks that are compiled properly. Anyway, I tried to set 777 permissions but it didn't work.

I forgot to mention that symlinked views are compiled properly when the symlink points directly to a file, for example:
views/test.html --> symlink to external file

... is properly compiled to this:

It appears that the problem is when the symlink points to a folder which contains the html files.

I've taken a look at the source code of compile_views() but I'm not that much experienced so I couldn't say why it doesn't follow symlinked folders :/
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