web2py email setting with smtp not working

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deepak sandhu

Sep 30, 2013, 12:51:28 AM9/30/13
to web...@googlegroups.com
here is the code of my controller. 

i am trying to create a form in web2py which sends message to an email account on submission mainly i used SQLFORM.factory to create the form then i used gluon.tools import mail to import the send email functionality. i have set up everything i can think of but still on running this code in web2py it gives out that "fail to send email sorry".

from gluon.tools import Mail
mail = Mail()

mail.settings.server = 'sm...@gmail.com:465'
mail.settings.sender = 'mye...@gmail.com'
mail.settings.login = 'mye...@gmail.com:secret'

def index(): 

    form = SQLFORM.factory(
    Field('name', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    Field('email', requires =[ IS_EMAIL(error_message='invalid email!'), IS_NOT_EMPTY() ]),
    Field('subject', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    Field('message', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), type='text')
    if form.process().accepted:
        session.name = form.vars.name
        session.email = form.vars.email
        session.subject = form.vars.subject
        session.message = form.vars.message

        x = mail.send(to=['other...@yahoo.com'],
            subject='project minerva',
            message= "Hello this is an email send from minerva.com from contact us form.\nName:"+ session.name+" \nEmail : " + session.email +"\nSubject : "+session.subject +"\nMessage : "+session.message+ ".\n "

        if x == True:
            response.flash = 'email sent sucessfully.'
            response.flash = 'fail to send email sorry!'

        #response.flash = 'form accepted.'
    elif form.errors:
        response.flash='form has errors.'

    return dict(form=form)
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