Request Password not working correct

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Ramashish Gaurav

Jan 5, 2015, 11:49:34 AM1/5/15
Hi all,

I have deployed my app on internet. At initial stage, every thing was working great. No bugs. When a user would register himself, a confirmation email would be successfully sent to the user's registered email id. Even the 'Lost Password' option was working correct. Now I made some changes in my app few days ago. I cannot remember at which places. Now following bug came up.

When the user goes for 'Lost Password' option, he is successfully redirected to 'request_reset_password' page. There is a form to accept the users email id. The default title "Request reset password" which used to appear earlier does not appears now on the 'request_reset_password' page. Neither the value of button "Request reset password' appears on it. Instead an empty value is there on the submit button. Now when the user submits his email id, there is a mail generated at "" but with no link and no subject i.e. an empty mail. Also the mail generated at "" is not sent to "". I don't know what to do now to debug it. I am not finding a place to start with. However the confirmation email sent during registering process is still working right. Only the reset password email is not working. Also :

auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = True

is done in .

Please help me debug this error. (If it is internal error and cannot be debugged, then can you please give me an alternative way to implement reset password function).

Dave S

Jan 5, 2015, 2:41:57 PM1/5/15

On Monday, January 5, 2015 8:49:34 AM UTC-8, Ramashish Gaurav wrote:
Hi all,

I have deployed my app on internet. At initial stage, every thing was working great. No bugs. When a user would register himself, a confirmation email would be successfully sent to the user's registered email id. Even the 'Lost Password' option was working correct. Now I made some changes in my app few days ago. I cannot remember at which places.

That sounds like you don't use source control to keep a record of your previous versions (and of changes between versions).  If you don't, may I recommend that you do?  One of the things a good source control tool does is provide a way for you to narrow down when a bug was introduced, which helps to narrow down where it was introduced.

If you're not familiar with source control, aka version control, here's a good introduction:

(I'm a Mercurial-type; somewhere between an advanced beginner and a power user; I can also use SVN, because I have to at work.)


Ramashish Gaurav

Jan 6, 2015, 1:31:40 AM1/6/15
Thanks Dave,

I will take your valuable advice but I still need to debug it. Can you (and someone) please help me about it.



Jan 6, 2015, 1:34:21 PM1/6/15
I prefer 'Fossil' myself, having ticketing and a wiki and a single binary as your source control makes everything super easy. Plus, it's what the sqlite people use for their source control.

That said, the problem at hand is that it's not filling in fields on a redirect. So either redirect changed, or the names of those fields on the reset password page changed.

Dave S

Jan 6, 2015, 1:35:35 PM1/6/15

On Monday, January 5, 2015 10:31:40 PM UTC-8, Ramashish Gaurav wrote:
Thanks Dave,

I will take your valuable advice but I still need to debug it. Can you (and someone) please help me about it.

I won't be much help with the next step, because auth isn't in my skill set yet.
(internal network stuff so far)


Ramashish Gaurav

Jan 8, 2015, 11:56:49 AM1/8/15
Hi Derek, 
Thanks for your interest. However unlike you suggested, the redirect did not change. However I was able to create a new controller action for request_reset_password. It worked well. Any ways thanks for all your interests.


Kirill Shatalaev

May 7, 2016, 6:51:19 AM5/7/16
to web2py-users
Hi friend.

I got same trouble. The reason is an empty translations strings. Check the strings:

'Click on the link %(link)s to reset your password'
'Password reset' 

The first is for message body, the second for subject.

понедельник, 5 января 2015 г., 20:49:34 UTC+4 пользователь Ramashish Gaurav написал:
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