Fullcalendar scheduler - creating, changing and saving data to database

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Andrea Fae'

Feb 12, 2017, 10:46:06 AM2/12/17
to web2py-users
Hello guys,
I'm trying to use Fullcalendar scheduler for my application

Now I can retrieve resources and event from database. Next step I have to:
- create new events simply clicking and dragging to the scheduler fullcalendar and saving event to the database
- when moving or resizing events, saving data changed to db

Someone has examples about this? And not so much aware about Javascript...

Thanks a lot.

Andrea Fae'

Feb 13, 2017, 12:02:32 PM2/13/17
to web2py-users
Thank you for who can help me!

Richard Vézina

Feb 13, 2017, 2:43:42 PM2/13/17
to web2py-users
Why don't you approach the problem the other way?! If you know how to create a form in web2py, you know how to enter a record (even), you can retrieve these records, so... Instead of trying to mess with fullcalendar to create event from it, just create them from web2py...


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Martin Weissenboeck

Feb 13, 2017, 2:54:33 PM2/13/17
to web2py-users
Is there any Schedular Calendar as a plugin for web2py or with the same licence as web2py?

Regards, Martin

Andrea Fae'

Feb 13, 2017, 4:18:10 PM2/13/17
to web2py-users
You are right, but I need a plug in more user friendly, so I want to use Fullcalendar.

I'm going ahead...you are expert and for sure you can tell me in very clear way how to pass data from javascript and/or from view to a controller...

For example when I resize in Fullcalendar start datetime or end datetime of an event, I want to pass this information to a controller that can change data to the database. How to do it?

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Andrea Fae'

Feb 13, 2017, 4:24:36 PM2/13/17
to web2py-users, mwei...@gmail.com
I don't think so.
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Richard Vézina

Feb 14, 2017, 9:16:05 PM2/14/17
to web2py-users
I use to develop a custom python calendar tools with web2py 2-3 years ago... We did pass a lot of the early calendar type issue like isoweek and sunday-to-saturday, I can't say it bugless from this side, but I am confident it always return proper year-month-week-day... I had event table (with attach CRUD form and even color management), with nice display of the event spread over multiple weeks or day and order them properly in order to the longer one be presented above all other to make sure it spread properly and you can keep track of "inline" continus event (hope what I explain it makes sens). It basically mimic office 365 calendar display back then. Mostly before launch a beta with the user I had to complete the js part which was controlling the calendar from the view... There were a couple of quirk that I could resolve (I am less familiar with js and I didn't code it so, it was more difficult to fix these issues). The main issue was that when you go from day to week to month it didn't keep track properly which day was selected. I don't recall if it was from day to month or month to day, in one way or the order it was working. So, there were not much work left to make a good fully working prototype... But I had to stop this project for different reasons... I am open to share it... Not sure if there would be interrest in it though. It lack proper intialisation parameters basically to remember where you left when you quit the calendar and get back to it. It all server side, but the js was loading months in advance back and forth in order to it to be fast, the page size couldn't get to big as we also taking care to delete months and didn't keep more then 3-4-5 month of data in the view. It is nice be requires a little love to shine...


Let me know it is something worth share, if so I will try to extract the code from the main app were it nows back into a dedicated app and share it under CC BY-NC-SA licence if it comply with underlying licences...


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Mr. Jeffery

Dec 21, 2017, 2:38:35 AM12/21/17
to web2py-users
Andrea Fae' did you ever get a solution on this post I would like to do the samething. Let me know. Thanks 


Dec 24, 2017, 11:49:08 AM12/24/17
to web...@googlegroups.com
I used fullcalendar scheduler. And my customer purchased the license. I'm still looking for a free javascript calendar for my web applications...

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