Mixing/supporting CMS with Web2py

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2011年2月2日 清晨7:46:192011/2/2
has anyone direct experience of using Wordpress, SquareSpace or
similar solution alongside Web2py?

These solutions appeal for their maturity and I'd like to use one to
do the "donkey" work and fall back to Web2py to do my site's specific

Without them I feel like I'm reinventing needlessly.


2011年2月2日 上午11:09:392011/2/2
Instant Press - http://code.google.com/p/instant-press/
Gilson Filho
Web Developer

2011/2/2 Carl <m...@carlroach.com>


2011年2月2日 下午3:33:042011/2/2
Thanks for the suggestion.

I was investigating a less compatible approach than a python CMS.

Perhaps a Wordpress website with PHP plug-ins to access a Web2py
service APIs.
See: http://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin

Has anyone taken this approach?

On Feb 2, 4:09 pm, "contatogilson...@gmail.com"
<contatogilson...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Instant Press -http://code.google.com/p/instant-press/
> _____________________________________________
> *Gilson Filho*
> *Web Developerhttp://gilsondev.com*

Vinicius Assef

2011年2月2日 下午3:38:012011/2/2
If you want to use web2py services via http (i.e, rest), technology
doesn't matter.

It's trully possible.


2011年2月2日 晚上10:28:172011/2/2
Once I have idea for seamless moving from joomla for web2py.
Stoped on attaching to joomla users table and joomla coocke of
loggined in.

Maing goal was to use links in joomla site to web2py functions which
should use user auth from joomla.
And with several steps move completely to web2py or share functions
along two application (joomla and web2py part)


2011年11月3日 上午11:59:432011/11/3
On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 04:46:19 -0800 (PST)
Carl <m...@carlroach.com> wrote:

Hello Carl,

> has anyone direct experience of using Wordpress, SquareSpace or
> similar solution alongside Web2py?
> These solutions appeal for their maturity and I'd like to use one to
> do the "donkey" work and fall back to Web2py to do my site's specific
> functionality.

I also wondering about the possibility to use WordPress alongwith Web2Py...

Let me say that, if possible, I'd like to stay solely in the Web2py arena, but
I do not see mature CMS with decent support...

KpaxCMS does not look alive and Instant Press seems to be cared only by Martin
M. which is either busy with other stuff or not sufficiently interested to push
it on. (I've submitted bug report about IP not styling bullets and, so far,
nothing happened.)

This situation makes me reluctant to embrace IP as web2py-based CMS/blog on
which to further build additional add-ons/plugins.

Otoh, I'm not enthusiastic to re-invent the whole CMS...

Maybe having CMS/blog is not most important need for most of web2py users, but
here it's real need for it.

Have you investigate more about using WordPress & Web2py or found some other
interesting solution?


When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest
of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has
been heard and all that is to be heard.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810


Philip Kilner

2011年11月3日 下午1:00:272011/11/3
Hi Carl,

I've been in the same situation - I use Plone as a CMS (a 300lb gorilla
beside web2py, and overly complex to develop against at my scale), and
use web2py behind it for RDBMS tasks.

What sort of CMS functionality do you need OOTB, and what sort of
functionality do you envisage developing?




'a bell is a cup...until it is struck'

Phyo Arkar

2011年11月4日 凌晨2:06:182011/11/4
We really need a CMS/Blog that the developer really cares ., It have a
lot of potential to become top CMS/Blog.

Due to the fact of web2py's Single step deployment , many
not-so-technical users will want to adopt it . If theres a stable ,
active CMS , developed using Web2py , it will change the future of
both python and web2py in web development.

PHP Based solutions are very hard for normal to Super user for setup /
installation / deployment. For web2py we can do just one click


2011年11月4日 凌晨3:30:562011/11/4
On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 12:36:18 +0630
Phyo Arkar <phyo.ar...@gmail.com>

> Due to the fact of web2py's Single step deployment , many
> not-so-technical users will want to adopt it . If theres a stable ,
> active CMS , developed using Web2py , it will change the future of
> both python and web2py in web development.

I fully agree...before jumping to Web2py I was looking at Zine (
http://zine.pocoo.org/code), but web2py-based blog/CMS could have much greater
impact considering all the known web2py pros...


One who is not connected with the Supreme can have neither
transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind, without which
there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any
happiness without peace?


Philip Kilner

2011年11月4日 清晨5:47:222011/11/4
Hi Phylo,

On 04/11/2011 06:06, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> We really need a CMS/Blog that the developer really cares ., It have a
> lot of potential to become top CMS/Blog.

I agree, in principle, but we need to define our terms here. If by
CMS/Blog we're referring to something like Wordpress, then that is
realistic. The first step would probably be to define some sort of
spec., as "CMS/Blog" can mean very different things to different people.

However, I think it would be too ambitious to try to replicate something
like Plone - not a blogging tool, and hardly a lightweight CMS either -
so from my PoV there will continue to be a need to mesh Plone and web2py


2011年11月4日 清晨6:59:132011/11/4
On Fri, 04 Nov 2011 09:47:22 +0000
Philip Kilner <phil....@gmail.com>

> I agree, in principle, but we need to define our terms here. If by
> CMS/Blog we're referring to something like Wordpress, then that is
> realistic. The first step would probably be to define some sort of
> spec., as "CMS/Blog" can mean very different things to different
> people.

Having decent support/docs/more_devs/.. for InstantPress would be, imho, good
starting point...


A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification,
who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of
proprietorship and is devoid of false ego — he alone can
attain real peace.


Phyo Arkar

2011年11月4日 上午8:22:532011/11/4
it is true,

Can Instant Press developer define goals and roadmaps so that we know
what to work on and submit patches or allow some of us Developer
Or should we fork it if hes busy to manage this project ?



Phyo Arkar

2011年11月4日 上午8:25:522011/11/4
Lets Keep it simple , mature first instead of rushing it loaded with features.

Lets start with Main feature of WordPress , A blog , Layout/Theme
management , Posting news , Tagging , comments (Instant-press should
have to features)

Make those features works well stable and robust.

Add more features later.

Any takers?

Phyo Arkar

2011年11月4日 上午8:39:572011/11/4
Plone itself is a beast of its own, even tho web2py is a lot easier
than Zope and can create something that beats Plone , alot easier
than doing it with zope, we should not try to go that way.

On 11/4/11, Philip Kilner <phil....@gmail.com> wrote:

Philip Kilner

2011年11月4日 上午10:10:352011/11/4

On 04/11/2011 12:39, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> Plone itself is a beast of its own, even tho web2py is a lot easier
> than Zope and can create something that beats Plone , alot easier
> than doing it with zope, we should not try to go that way.

There are things that Zope & Plone do with acquisition, the ZODB and its
catalog that are hugely powerful. Having said that, the reputation for a
"Z-shaped learning curve" is well deserved.

Again, we need to define our terms - trying to beat Plone in terms of
its enterprise (that word again!) CMS features would be plain daft, and
doomed to failure with the resources available, but trying to beat Plone
in terms of agility and accessibility to developers is a task that
web2py is well positioned for.

Massimo Di Pierro

2011年11月4日 下午1:38:062011/11/4
perhaps we should make a list of desired features.

Vasile Ermicioi

2011年11月4日 下午1:45:592011/11/4
I wish to make a Drupal alternative based on web2py


2011年11月4日 下午3:26:192011/11/4
On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:38:06 -0700 (PDT)
Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> perhaps we should make a list of desired features.

I believe that WordPress is quite etablished as Blog engine and CMS
platform, so making Instant Press as "Python's WordPress" would be
cool, iow, stable blog/CMS + support for easy styling/theming along
with solid framework to write plugins...

I'd be more than satisfied and would try to contribute to make it





2011年11月7日 凌晨2:08:542011/11/7
On Fri, 4 Nov 2011 10:38:06 -0700 (PDT)

Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Massiomo,

> perhaps we should make a list of desired features.

After I put some more thought into it, I've arrived at the conclusion that,
imho, Concrete5 (http://www.concrete5.org/) is, philosophically closer to
web2py than Wordpress, so it would be nice if you can check it out briefly.

Here are some of the C5 features:

- in-context (inline) editing
- easy styling (very easy to convert HTML/CSS/JS design into C5 theme)
- pages are based on theme/template and bunch of blocks (can we call 'em
widgets) which can be freely moved around the pre-defined slots (based on the
- based on MBC framework using jQuery, DA (ADOdb), Zend...
- advanced permission system
- sensible defaults with the ability for user to override (almost) everything
- lot of add-ons available

So, C5 is primarily CMS and not blog like WP, although there are few blogs
written as add-ons.

Having something like that based on web2py would bring horde of new users
(dunno if web2py devs are ready to embrace 'em) to web2py 'cause there is
simply no such beast available on the planet Earth combining such features
(e.g. easy designing of layout, inline editing, blocks...) with the well-known
advantages of web2py.

However, it might be that such project is more suitable for Web3py...it would
be pity if it should be rewritten.


In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution,
and a little advancement on this path can protect
one from the most dangerous type of fear.


Ross Peoples

2011年11月7日 上午8:41:232011/11/7
We REALLY need a CMS. I regularly develop sites that may have one or two pages that need web2py's power, but the rest of the pages only need basic CMS/Blog functionality. So I end up writing the those pages by hand in HTML....seems like such a waste.

Since I would regularly use and CMS/Blog functionality, I would be happy to contribute code and test it, as I would probably be using it every day. I would also have regular users play with it and incorporate their feedback into it to make something that is better than WordPress and Drupal combined. I think we have a lot of the pieces. I wrote plugin_ckeditor for inline editing (though maybe we should make our own inline editor. I tried to make an Aloha plugin, but didn't like their licensing).

Anyways, I would be happy to contribute whatever is needed to make this happen. Preferably as a plugin. Doing it as only a plugin is difficult, as I have tried before, and ended up having to do what Instant Press did, and make an "app" for it. But we should really figure out how to make it a plugin.

Vinicius Assef

2011年11月7日 下午5:51:182011/11/7
I can try to help, too.


2011年11月7日 晚上11:44:582011/11/7
I have quite large experience with Drupal, which I used since 2006 tu
build pretty much everything web-related, from websites to applications,
often using it more as a framework than a CMS.
That project is great, but IMHO it has some drawbacks.
The first that comes to mind:

* Not-so-elegant code, derived from the fact that's php-based
* Structure and data too much mixed up, due to the will to make
everything configurable from the admin panel.
* Excessive setup time. Many times 3rd-part modules (sometimes even
needed to add missing important features to the core) tend to conflict
or miss something -> many times there is need to develop a custom
site-specific module in order to simplify things.
* Lack of enterpriseness in 3rd-part modules: they are not "verified"
that much, and sometimes bad things happen, even with stuff that used to
work and must have continued to do so.

So, I recently started doing some experiments to see "how hard would it
be" to rewrite Drupal web2py-based and with some improvements.

At the moment, I have a simple app that, along with
garbage/experiments/stuff does pretty much this:

* CRUD for different content-types (each content type may be treated in
different ways / define extra fields / ..; some examples may be
"article", "page", "ecommerce product", ...).
* Commenting. It is handled in a component-like way, although I haven't
written a proper component yet, I'm using a similar way to attach
comments + comment form to "entities", that might be not only "content".
* Regions + blocks. In a way similar to what Drupal does, the
layout.html defines some regions (sidebars, footer, before/after
content, before/after page, ...) in which some "blocks" may be placed,
then blocks are shown independently from the controller (and only in the
html views, since they wouldn't make much sense, for example, in a json
or xml representation).
* Configuration stored in INI files (and maybe in database too, I have
to decide that).
* Some rudimental support (I still have to decide what's the best way to
do that) to user-defined (in the configuration) "views": a mix of
database query + templates to create custom visualizations of content.

I'm going to release all the code as soon as I finish adding access
control, so that I can also install a demo site somewhere (shouldn't
take long, it should only be matter of adding a few decorators..).

I think we should also start organizing the development of the CMS
- who's up for development?
- who's up for testing?
- who's up for documentation? (developers should! documentation is
awesome! I already wrote more documentation than code for this CMS!)
- should we setup a project page / wiki / bugtracker / ..? I think that
it would be a good idea to have at least a wiki, for the moment, on
which to write all the ideas / misc brainstorming, in order to discuss
about the important decisions that should be taken before starting the
actual development.
- should we create another mailing-list just for the cms thing, in order
to keep separate the discussions?
- Do you guys use IRC? I see a #web2py channel on freenode but, although
there is always some people in it, I never saw pretty much anybody
speaking in there..

Samuele ~redShadow~ Santi
redshadow[at]hackzine.org - redshadowhack[at]gmail.com

Blog: http://hackzine.org

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Vinicius Assef

2011年11月8日 清晨5:31:432011/11/8
I can help with docs.

Kenneth Lundström

2011年11月8日 清晨6:07:362011/11/8
I'm also very interested in getting more CMS functions into web2py.

I can help with:
- testing
- server resources if needed
- setting up bugtracker, wikipage

I think a own mailinglist and a wiki page first. Very soon a bugtracker.
Maybe a web2py based bugtracker.


Ross Peoples

2011年11月8日 清晨7:40:142011/11/8
I can help with development. We need this functionality. Sort of like a reverse Drupal in that web2py would be a framework that also does CMS.


2011年11月8日 上午8:21:272011/11/8
On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 05:41:23 -0800 (PST)
Ross Peoples <ross.p...@gmail.com>

> Since I would regularly use and CMS/Blog functionality, I would be
> happy to contribute code and test it, as I would probably be using it
> every day. I would also have regular users play with it and
> incorporate their feedback into it to make something that is better
> than WordPress and Drupal combined.

Same here...If we agree to work on such a thing, it means I'll fully focus on
using web2py solely for all my web needs (which I very much prefer over
fiddling with concrete5/wordpress), learn web2py, write add-ons, writing docs,
testing, translating...


In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good
or evil he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it,
is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge.


Ovidio Marinho

2011年11月8日 上午9:43:402011/11/8

Here is what you are looking for

Import wordpress xml into web2py-cms automatic, implement ckeditor, and others functions.

       Ovidio Marinho Falcao Neto
                Web Developer
                 ITJP - itjp.net.br
               83   8826 9088 - Oi
               83   9334 0266 - Claro

2011/11/8 Ross Peoples <ross.p...@gmail.com>


2011年11月9日 清晨6:58:512011/11/9
On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:43:40 -0300
Ovidio Marinho <ovid...@gmail.com>

> Here is what you are looking for
> https://github.com/lucasdavila/web2py-cms

I'm not sure it's good or robust enough for the users needs expressed

Otoh, we hope that Massimo will provide his $.02 when he finishes with
the current tasks...


But a person free from all attachment and aversion and able
to control his senses through regulative principles of
freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord.


Massimo Di Pierro

2011年11月9日 下午2:09:212011/11/9
Any screenshots?

On Nov 9, 5:58 am, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 11:43:40 -0300
> Ovidio Marinho <ovidio...@gmail.com>
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload


2011年11月9日 下午3:49:462011/11/9

Carlos Hanson

2011年11月9日 下午6:44:402011/11/9
I have been a Plone/Zope developer for awhile, but don't get to do it often enough to completely retain what I have done. I have given much thought recently to developing a CMS in web2py, since I think it would simplify my development tremendously. I would love to be part of a community effort on that behalf.

As far as a CMS vs a Blog goes, I have always viewed a Blog and viewing content in a particular manner. To me a Blog is a subset of a CMS. If we have a basic CMS, adding a Blog simply means organizing that particular set of data a certain way.

At the same time, development of a Blog for itself may be easier than as a subset of a CMS. But most of the projects I have worked on have been adding some kind of content and being able to view that content through a browser. So having a core CMS that is easily extensible into other kinds of systems sounds useful to me.

The bottom line is "a list of desired features" is a good starting place, and I am willing to be part of the development.

  • core objects that can be extended
  • tags (I like the GMail label idea, so a piece of content can live in multiple locations, not just in one)
  • additional views that allow mixing multiple content objects, for example, on http://web2py.com/new_examples
    • maybe the three columns a the bottom (batteries included, web based ide, extensive docs) are different content objects that are used independently somewhere else
    • content blocks? you have have multiple blocks in a view
    • easily reorganize block with drag and drop
Let me know what I can do to help.

Bruno Rocha

2011年11月9日 晚上8:52:192011/11/9
Browser shots is very nice tool.


The CMS (bloog) from Lucas is nice, but it is incomplete, can be used as base for a new project.


2011年11月10日 凌晨3:39:182011/11/10
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 23:52:19 -0200
Bruno Rocha <rocha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The CMS (bloog) from Lucas is nice, but it is incomplete, can be used
> as base for a new project.

Better than Instant Press?

If I'd have skills, I'd 'port' Concrete5 to web2ps making the match in
heaven from C5's front-end capabilities (easy theming, templating,
in-context editing, block-based layout) with web2py's 'back-end'


A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of
desires — that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is
ever being filled but is always still — can alone achieve
peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.



2011年11月10日 凌晨3:50:112011/11/10
On Wed, 9 Nov 2011 15:44:40 -0800 (PST)
Carlos Hanson <car...@clanhanson.com> wrote:

> As far as a CMS vs a Blog goes, I have always viewed a Blog and
> viewing content in a particular manner. To me a Blog is a subset of a
> CMS. If we have a basic CMS, adding a Blog simply means organizing
> that particular set of data a certain way.

Yes...In Concrete5 which I use atm, blog/news are just add-ons for the
CMS-based frameworl.

> - content blocks? you have have multiple blocks in a view
> - easily reorganize block with drag and drop

Those are the great features in Concrete5. One C5 user nicely described
some of those features in comparison with WP:

"Which brings me to my point... to me the key insight to understanding
Concrete5 is that in addition to designing the front-end (with HTML and
CSS and themes and templates), you are *also* designing the editing
interface. Where Wordpress confines you to basically one huge content
block per page and some widgets on one sidebar, Concrete5 lets you the
designer choose what the confines for the user are as it best makes
sense for your design (one sidebar? two sidebars? no sidebars? 2 content
areas stacked on top of each other? whatever you want!).

There is a whole spectrum of choices you as the designer can make in
terms of setting up the editing interface as best suits your design --
things like how many different page types you set up and where you put
the editable areas into those page types (as Franz describes above),
using Page Defaults and global scrapbooks for content that changes less
frequently and is common across the entire site, hard-coding blocks into
templates where you need their functionality but don't want the user to
be able to change them ever (e.g. the main navigation menu), not to
mention using the sitemap itself as an organizing structure -- e.g.
setting up a "Recent News" section of your site, and every new page
added to that section gets a new excerpt automatically displayed at the
top of the "News Index" list via the "Page List" block. "

So, in short, I believe that Web2Py deserves better CMS than just clone
of WP. ;)



A person who has given up all desires for sense gratification,
who lives free from desires, who has given up all sense of
proprietorship and is devoid of false ego — he alone can
attain real peace.

http://atmarama.net | Hlapicina (Croatia) | GPG: 52B5C810



2011年11月10日 清晨7:35:462011/11/10


2011年11月10日 清晨7:36:252011/11/10
Plus plugin_wiki.

Bruno Rocha

2011年11月11日 凌晨4:28:292011/11/11
This one: http://ourway.ir/pages/blog?u=blouweb

IS a very nice facebook clone app! can be extended for a cms. is it open source?


2011年11月11日 上午8:23:242011/11/11
I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5-
like wysiwyg functionality:


(note: use chrome or FF)

In this page, you can click highlighed blocks and edit their texts,
images, and htmls, and move specified blocks, and also check
corresponding the preview and live page.

These editable blocks are defined in web2py views using functions and


Although it's very experimental and plenty remains to be done, the
core logic may be closely related to this discussions.
Give it a try and welcome any feedback.


2011年11月11日 上午8:46:262011/11/11
This is great. By the way, http://dev.s-cubism.com/ mentions nanahoshi-cms as a web2py based CMS under development. How far along is that? Does it/will it use this plugin_managed_html?


On Friday, November 11, 2011 8:23:24 AM UTC-5, kenji4569 wrote:
I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5-
like wysiwyg functionality:


(note: use chrome or FF)

In this page, you can click highlighed blocks and edit their texts,
images, and htmls, and move specified blocks, and also check
corresponding the preview and live page.

These editable blocks are defined in web2py views using functions and


Although it's very experimental and plenty remains to be done, the
core logic may be closely related to this discussions.
Give it a try and welcome any feedback.


2011年11月11日 上午9:20:532011/11/11

Thank you for your response.

>How far along is that? Does it/will it use this plugin_managed_html?

I am now developing several core plugins for the product, and will
publish them soon. The product itself is currently for domestic,
On 11月11日, 午後10:46, Anthony <abasta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is great. By the way,http://dev.s-cubism.com/mentions nanahoshi-cms
> as a web2py based CMS under development. How far along is that? Does
> it/will it use this plugin_managed_html?
> Anthony
> On Friday, November 11, 2011 8:23:24 AM UTC-5, kenji4569 wrote:
> > I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5-
> > like wysiwyg functionality:
> >http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_managed_html/page1/_managed_html_edit
> > (note: use chrome or FF)
> > In this page, you can click highlighed blocks and edit their texts,
> > images, and htmls, and move specified blocks, and also check
> > corresponding the preview and live page.
> > These editable blocks are defined in web2py views using functions and
> > decorators:
> >https://github.com/sqlabs/sqlabs/blob/master/views/plugin_managed_htm...

Massimo Di Pierro

2011年11月11日 上午11:54:132011/11/11

as you know we are building the new web2py web page. I'd rather link
your plugins than mine. Would you be able to host some of plugins at


and provide a service like this:


I would still act as proxy for the service since it is linked by the


Michael Ellis

2011年11月11日 下午5:34:322011/11/11
Here's a real world example:

I'm on the board of the Asheville Choral Society, http://www.ashevillechoralsociety.org
. Like most non-profits, we're short of money and as the only
software geek on the board, I end up donating a fair amount of time
(that I'd much rather spend rehearsing the music) to routine
maintenance of the group's legacy website (PHP, mysql, cpanel ...).

There is a CMS of sorts for non-techie users, but it's badly
implemented and I frequently have to go underneath it to straighten
out a mess that someone has made trying to use it.

I'd love to be able to make this site more maintainable by replicating
it in web2py on a $10/month RackSpace virtual system. It's not a
high traffic site but it does need to be responsive, attractive and
useful to our members and concert-goers.

For a site like this, the CMS feature that's needed most is to make it
dead simple for others to edit text and insert images for upcoming
concerts and have it come out in fonts and colors that are consistent
throughout the site and without messing up things that should be
centralized in the db (e.g. concert dates, ticket prices, soloist
bios, etc.)

On Nov 4, 1:38 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>


2011年11月11日 晚上9:14:332011/11/11

I've heard that Bruno is rewriting the web2pyslices.com and plugins
will be able to be hosted. Should I host my plugins at the current
plugin site, or wait until the new site open?


On 11月12日, 午前1:54, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>

Bruno Rocha

2011年11月11日 晚上10:51:572011/11/11
I've heard that Bruno is rewriting the web2pyslices.com and plugins
will be able to be hosted. Should I host my plugins at the current
plugin site, or wait until the new site open?

Hi, the new web2pyslices is 90% just few adjustments, but, I am working on another projects now and it will take a bit more time.

I think you should host the plugins at your site and if you can provide a .json for accessing the plugins information it will be included from your index to web2pyslices in future.



2011年11月12日 凌晨3:05:062011/11/12
On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 05:23:24 -0800 (PST)
kenji4569 <hos...@s-cubism.jp> wrote:

> I cannot help presenting my developing plugin, which has a concrete5-
> like wysiwyg functionality:


This looks very interesting.

> Although it's very experimental and plenty remains to be done, the
> core logic may be closely related to this discussions.

Now the question is we can come to some consensus about what kind of CMS
platform we want to build for Web2py, or as Massimo wrote: "list of

I know that's it probably hard to make it "one size fits all", but I
still believe that ONE robust CMS which enables to easily convert
HTML/CSS/JS template into native one (theming/skinning), inline editing
using custom content blocks etc. would be much better than having dozen
of half-or-more-baked solutions.

However, for such a thing we need to hear the voice of web2py giants. ;)


One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control,
and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of
steady intelligence.



2011年11月12日 凌晨3:12:592011/11/12
On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 14:34:32 -0800 (PST)
Michael Ellis <michael...@gmail.com>

> For a site like this, the CMS feature that's needed most is to make it
> dead simple for others to edit text and insert images for upcoming
> concerts and have it come out in fonts and colors that are consistent
> throughout the site and without messing up things that should be
> centralized in the db (e.g. concert dates, ticket prices, soloist
> bios, etc.)

Have you tried Concrete5 (http://www.concrete5.org/) until we make
web2py-based one...


When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest
of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has
been heard and all that is to be heard.


Michael Ellis

2011年11月12日 上午9:46:182011/11/12

Thanks, Gour. It's a nice looking framework and seems to be well-
designed. I look forward to the web2py version!

On Nov 12, 3:12 am, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 14:34:32 -0800 (PST)
> Michael Ellis <michael.f.el...@gmail.com>


2011年11月12日 中午12:22:362011/11/12
On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 06:46:18 -0800 (PST)
Michael Ellis <michael...@gmail.com>

> Thanks, Gour. It's a nice looking framework and seems to be well-
> designed.

Yup, it's quite nice.

> I look forward to the web2py version!

Let's see if it will happen...otherwise (without decent CMS) we'd have
to tinker wiht PHP. :-/


From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion
bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered,
intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost
one falls down again into the material pool.


Massimo Di Pierro

2011年11月13日 上午10:55:442011/11/13
this will be the top priority after web2py 2.0 is released and the
book 4th edition. By the end of November.

On Nov 12, 11:22 am, Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 06:46:18 -0800 (PST)
> Michael Ellis <michael.f.el...@gmail.com>
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload


2011年11月13日 上午11:24:312011/11/13
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 07:55:44 -0800 (PST)
Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> this will be the top priority after web2py 2.0 is released and the
> book 4th edition. By the end of November.

you've made my day, Massimo!!

That's great to hear.

I must confess that when I started to tinker with Django and heard that
answer to "Any CMS in Django" question is "Write one..." it wasn't so
exciting considering it's not that everyone has time/skills to do it.

Hearing that web2py is going to work on one, makes me really
enthusiastic to help in any way we can.


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body,
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered
by such a change.



2011年11月13日 晚上9:11:102011/11/13
> I think you should host the plugins at your site and if you can provide a> .json for accessing the plugins information it will be included from your> index to web2pyslices in future.
Thanks for the information. I'm looking forward to the new site:)


Farsheed Ashouri

2011年11月17日 下午6:13:202011/11/17
Ourway.ir is a social network based on web2py. It's also has a blog system witch a kind of CMS. I am going to open source it soon.

Massimo Di Pierro

2011年12月9日 下午3:21:522011/12/9
Back on this topic. I have been working on something that hope to
release soon

I do not know how to reconcile wysiwyg inline editor+drag-drop with
custom layouts. I am leaning for a single html layout similar to the
new web2py welcome app (skeleton) and arbitrary customization using
css only. This opens lots of possibilities but the CMS could not use
existing themes. Converting concrete5 or wordpress themes would be a
pain anyway.

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Bruno Rocha

2011年12月9日 下午3:29:132011/12/9
Any ideas? Suggestions?

I am using plugin_ckeditor with inline edit support.

look it working here: http://labs.blouweb.com/movuca2/article/show/1/how-to-use-modules-in-web2py  (te...@test.com / 1234)

It is all server-side so i think it has no problem with custom layouts.

Bruno Rocha

2011年12月9日 下午3:32:292011/12/9
you have to login to see inline-edit working.


2011年12月9日 下午3:35:432011/12/9
On Fri, 9 Dec 2011 12:21:52 -0800 (PST)

Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:

> This opens lots of possibilities but the CMS could not use existing
> themes. Converting concrete5 or wordpress themes would be a pain
> anyway.

That's not the problem. What I like in concrete5 is the *ease* of
converting HTML/CSS/JS into the Concrete5 one.

If something similar is available for web2py - then it would be great.


Never was there a time when I did not exist,
nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future
shall any of us cease to be.


Ross Peoples

2011年12月9日 下午3:48:012011/12/9
Glad to know someone is using my plugin :)

Ross Peoples

2011年12月9日 下午4:05:272011/12/9
I had attempted to make a full-service CMS at one time, but I got caught up on how theming and templating would work. I never did figure it out completely, but I did learn a few things:

- I used a bare minimum layout. This basically contained the doctag, <html>, and <body>. Everything else was generated by options or user-created blocks.
- Each block had an AJAX editor that manipulated the CSS of the block.
- The user-created blocks became the overall template, with the ability to add more on a page-by-page basis.
- I had also created several widgets that were based on blocks that did things like provide tag clouds, show RSS feeds from other sites, handle comments, ratings, etc. One of those widgets was also a "text" widget that called plugin_ckeditor's inline edit ability. Then there was the menu widget, then the posts and pages widgets, which were responsible for showing the requested post/page content.

With that system, themes were just a list of block/widget configurations.

These things provided the basis for a completely drag & drop CMS. No coding required from the user's perspective. I had a big vision for how all of this would work and it would have put Wordpress, Drupal, and everything else to shame, but it was too big for just one person to do in their spare time.

Bruno Rocha

2011年12月9日 下午4:15:532011/12/9

On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 6:48 PM, Ross Peoples <ross.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
Glad to know someone is using my plugin :)

Your plugin is very good, I made some changes, included more methods and solved some bugs. I will send a patch,

Massimo Di Pierro

2011年12月9日 晚上9:32:272011/12/9
What's the plugin? can you send me a link?

On Dec 9, 3:15 pm, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:


2011年12月9日 晚上10:03:012011/12/9
I think they're talking about this: https://bitbucket.org/PhreeStyle/web2py_ckeditor/src

There are also these:

On Friday, December 9, 2011 9:32:27 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
What's the plugin? can you send me a link?

On Dec 9, 3:15 pm, Bruno Rocha <rocha...@gmail.com> wrote:

Bruno Rocha

2011年12月9日 晚上11:55:582011/12/9
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo....@gmail.com> wrote:
What's the plugin? can you send me a link?

Yes, thats the link


I made some changes, my code is here:


But I am planning to submit a patch to the author.

I am using the edit in place for comments
> Bruno Rocha
> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]


2011年12月10日 清晨5:51:402011/12/10
Thanks for this Bruno. Is the source code for
publicly available so we can see it in context.


On Dec 10, 4:55 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <

> massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What's the plugin? can you send me a link?
> Yes, thats the link
>  https://bitbucket.org/PhreeStyle/web2py_ckeditor/src
> I made some changes, my code is here:

> https://github.com/rochacbruno/Movuca/blob/master/modules/plugin_cked...

Farsheed Ashouri

2012年1月20日 晚上8:53:522012/1/20
I added some new features to my blogging system.

Bruno Rocha

2012年1月25日 凌晨3:15:422012/1/25
For those who are looking for inspiration on how to develop a good traditional-cms with web2py, take a look in to http://www.fork-cms.com/ before starting your code!

Martín Mulone

2012年1月26日 上午8:08:452012/1/26
I switched the editor of instant press to cleditor. A lightweight and simple WYSIWYG editor. http://premiumsoftware.net/cleditor/

2012/1/25 Bruno Rocha <rocha...@gmail.com>


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