any good open courses with web2py?

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Apr 4, 2013, 9:37:15 AM4/4/13
Are there any good self paced learning courses on webdev with web2py? 

So far I am enjoying learning how to make websites with web2py.  I don't mind spending a little money on courses or learning material, but I really only do this as a hobby so I'm not interested in shelling out several grand for courses that offer college credits, degrees, certificates, or any of those intensive bootcamps.  Looking at other online courses offered that aren't in web2py I see some really good ideas for projects I would like to be able to build.  One site, for example, had a netflix clone as a final project with ruby on rails, complete with commerce and everything you would need.  Unfortunately the site was very expensive and not in web2py:(

Playing around with php a while back before I found web2py I remember following several teach yourself projects but found them to be incomplete.  For example, there were a lot of build a blog tutorials but the end result was a form to enter blog entries and a page that grabbed entries from the db and displayed them.  I didn't like this because the end result was a blog you couldn't actually use, there was no search features, no tagging, no commenting, no user auth, etc.

I can build simple sites, so I'm not looking for an introductory course. For example, the last site I made with web2py was for my friends school with the following:
-School information, schedules, location, instructors, etc
-a blog like feature to post upcoming events. I posted links to only future events on the front page. This behaved similar to a blog
-a blog for the owner to blog about his school or whatever else he wanted.  Had an archive dropdown menu, comments were working at one point but disabled on request of the owner
-2 forms for people to signup or ask questions. A pdf page can be generated based on the information provided, and a link is emailed to the owner.  I was originally going to just make a pdf and mail that to the owner as an attachment, but I could never get that working

This wasn't too hard to make, but I struggled on a few parts and my code may not exactly be best practice.  It would be nice to find tutorials or open courses I could follow with more challenging projects to get me making more complicated sites and breaking any bad habits I may have picked up.  Any Suggestions?



Apr 4, 2013, 7:14:01 PM4/4/13
I am considering teaching one such class in connection with UCSC in the Fall of this year. 

Arnon Marcus

Apr 4, 2013, 7:30:19 PM4/4/13

Massimo Di Pierro

Apr 4, 2013, 8:27:40 PM4/4/13
I was supposed to teach one spring but I did not advertise and was canceled. If there are at least 7 people committed it can still be offered:

On Thursday, 4 April 2013 18:30:19 UTC-5, Arnon Marcus wrote:

nJoy! :)


Apr 5, 2013, 1:53:24 PM4/5/13
Hi Massimo,

This class looks really interesting.  Do you have any more information on what types of projects you typically have students complete, what skill level you are expecting students to reach after completing the course, maybe a syllabus?  For example do you try to gear your course towards getting students ready to start looking for jobs or is this more of a lighter intro to get students started? 

As I mentioned before, I'd prefer not to have to pay for a full college course with credits and since I work full time I was hoping for something a little more self paced.  Have you ever considered setting up some sort of alternative for non students to go through at their own pace without grades or college credits?  Like something similar to the courses on sites like Udemy or Udacity? If this course is the only option, just out of curiosity how close are you to hitting your min of 7 interested people?




Apr 5, 2013, 4:04:21 PM4/5/13
Post your code on github, link to it here, we could provide you a with a code review if that's what you're after.

On Thursday, April 4, 2013 6:37:15 AM UTC-7, jjg0 wrote:

Michael Herman

Apr 5, 2013, 4:51:24 PM4/5/13
will this be an online class per chance for extended/adult students?

Jurgis Pralgauskis

Apr 6, 2013, 4:30:29 AM4/6/13

samuel bonilla

Apr 6, 2013, 10:55:45 AM4/6/13

samuel bonilla

Apr 6, 2013, 11:04:19 AM4/6/13

link2 :

El jueves, 4 de abril de 2013 08:37:15 UTC-5, jjg0 escribió:


Apr 11, 2013, 8:01:11 AM4/11/13
I tried the killer web app tutorial a while back but could never get selenium working.  Do people use this? Is it normal to put so much emphasis on writing these tests first when working on a site? 


Apr 11, 2013, 8:13:28 AM4/11/13
we're working on having a better recommended (and documented, and simple) way to run tests.

Until recently I didn't think about tests at all: this speeded up greatly the productivity but on the long run a lot of time has been "wasted" on worrying too much if, e.g., I can upgrade web2py (or for what matters, any other component inside my deployment, such as the db, redis, jquery, bootstrap, etc).

This made me think that if what you're going to do needs to be (even seldomly) updated, you'd better find time to write those tests.
If instead is something that you do just for you, and you know you're never going to touch it again, then you can continue to avoid writing tests alltogether.

When the next jquery update will be out, I'll just slip it into my test server, run all the tests and see if something breaks.
If I had no tests, I'd be forced to fire up all the features of my app by hand, probably missing something crucial (and I'll loose a few night sleeps) :P


Apr 11, 2013, 8:32:10 AM4/11/13
The killer web app tutorial claims to be for people with no prior programming skills, is it strange to throw so much emphasis on testing in a course for people who have never programmed?  I'm not sure if it is worth taking the time to get selenium working and learn how to use it, or if I should hold off on worrying about the testing side and keep looking for something better as far as learning materials go.  Especially if a better testing method is being worked on.

I'd like to be able to build more complicated sites, I just don't know how to get there.  I see larger sites like amazon, facebook, or netflix and I think it would be really fun to be able to make one myself.  I don't actually plan on starting my own business or anything, I just find it interesting.

samuel bonilla

Apr 11, 2013, 9:14:06 AM4/11/13
the largest open source project I've seen in web2py is movuca, you can check out is a social network


2013/4/11 jjg0 <>
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Vinicius Assef

Apr 12, 2013, 8:56:05 AM4/12/13
to web2py
Yes, but Movuca uses a modelless approach, that was nice when lazy
tables wasn't implemented in web2py.

Maybe Bruno Rocha, the Movuca creator, says more about that.
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