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to web2py Web Framework
I have been trying out variations of the mywiki app which forms
part of the tutorial in web2py book, using the latest web2py.
I thought I would try incorporating nicedit into the editing view.
Using standard nicedit config in the view does not allow for the
nicedit icons to show? I have looked at obvious (to me anyway:)
issues by viewing nicedit forums etc, and by trial and iteration
of removing my styles and web2py styles to see if this fixes
It appears to be a problem with nicedit path to the nicEditIcons.gif
but I have tried and failed to solve it. Here is code for my edit
page which is same as original mywiki code with addition of nicedit.
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<script src="{{=URL(r=request,c='static',f='nicEdit.js')}}" type="text/
<script type="text/javascript">
bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allTextAreas() });
<h1>Edit wiki page</h1>
[ {{=A('show',_href=URL(r=request,f='show',args=request.args))}} ]<br/
nicedit.js is in static folder and nicEditIcon.gif is in same folder,
edit.html is in
as usual help most appreciated, maybe I'm sleeping and missed obvious