Communication error when saving in admin web interface

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Nov 7, 2019, 1:55:34 AM11/7/19
to web2py-users
Windows server 2016, IIS 10, Windows 10, Edge


(Running on Microsoft-IIS/10.0, Python 3.6.8) 


A few of our developers have been experiencing this so I thought I would ask the forum for help.
If we edit a file in the web2py admin console, we often get a red communication error in the "Last saved on" field.

I did some testing and I noticed that this happens pretty consistently if I save after about 90 seconds. It is almost as though the editing session times out.  
After a refresh of the page in the Edge web browser I can again do saves.

If I save every 10 or 20 seconds, the saves are successful. 

Has anyone else noticed this issue?  Or even better, is there a solution to this problem?

I do not find any logging for this error.

Kind Regards,

Dave S

Nov 7, 2019, 3:30:41 AM11/7/19
to web2py-users

I get this kind of error occasionally.   Where it may be weeks between errors.  But I'm running Windows desktop, not server, using Rocket instead of IIS, and Chrome for the browser.  The webserver involved is only accessed from the local machine.

In my case, it seems the request times out (not the session), and that can happen when Chrome is doing a lot of browser cache related accesses to Rocket (as best as I can tell; the activity meter on the web2py "console GUI" is almost continuously spiking even though I stop clicking on things; it can persist indefinitely).  My treatment of these symptoms is to close the browser window, wait for things to quiet down, and reopen the window.  (It may be possible to just close tabs, but I often have a dozen tabs pointing at my applications or the admin pages.  Using the browser menu to select "clear cache" doesn't seem to help.)

I have also seen the error when there is a path or permission issue, IIRC, but that is unlikely to explain your symptoms.

Try a different browser to see if you get the same errors.  Monitor the browser's background accesses to see if they spike during the session.

Good luck!




Nov 8, 2019, 2:17:41 AM11/8/19
to web2py-users
Thanks for your reply.  I have also had this when testing locally but only when debugging the save process.  I noticed that the save failed when I stepped through the code, most likely due to a timeout.
In our case, it seems to be worse the longer the edit session stays open as I mentioned in my first post.  

Kind Regards,

As a work-around we are now using a local editor mapped to the server drive and that seems to not have these issues.
I would still like to see this solved (longer timeout?) but we have a work-around for the moment.

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