how to have javascript values survive w2p refresh

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Alex Glaros

Feb 15, 2015, 12:03:37 AM2/15/15
I want to capture subject-line and message-body before user hits "submit" button.

Question 1:

The (1) get-recipients part and (2) enter subject-line and message-body parts are on the same page. If user types something into subject-line/message-body BEFORE choosing any message recipients, the subject-line and message-body are erased with page refresh when recipients are added.

I added some javascript and now the subject line javascript value survives through the store procedure below, but I can't get the message body value to survive. It gets wiped clean unless it's the very last event. 

Question 2:  

the store procedure that works (for subject line) doesn't keep the very latest value unless a new recipient is added or deleted before hand. Otherwise, it doesn't grab what user is typing and goes on to the next URL with the last iteration, not current.

Question 3:

This part, correctly transports the arguments to the next url, but is it the best way?  function goToURL(){
window.location="{{=URL('default', 'siteMap') + '/'}}" + subjectLineFromStorage ;}


Alex Glaros

{{extend 'layout.html'}}


    <tr><td><!--------------- COLUMN 1 ------------------->
            Choose recipients
        <td style="padding:0px 10px 10px 10px"> <!------------------- COLUMN 2 -------------------->
                Recipient list
            <table class="table table-striped">
            {{for row in selectedIndividuals:}}
                {{=row.TempInternalMessageRecipient.recipientOfMessage}} {{=row.auth_user.first_name}} {{=row.auth_user.last_name}} &nbsp;</td><td>
                {{=A("deselect", _href=URL('default','remove_from_recipient_list',, _class='btn btn-mini', ajax=True)}} </td>
        <td> <!----------------------------- COLUMN 3 ----------------------->

<!------------javascript stuff below ------------>
<form action="javascript:goToURL()"  onSubmit="javascript:goToURL();">
Subject:  <input type="text" id="subjectID" onchange="storeSubjectLine()"/><br/>
Message:  <input type="text" id="messageBodyID" onchange="storeMessageBody()"/><br/>

<input type="submit" value="submit"/>

 //getting the  value from the storage 
 var subjectLineFromStorage = localStorage.getItem("storeTheSubjectLine");
 var messageFromStorage = localStorage.getItem("storeTheMessageBody");

//checking the value is not empty
if(subjectLineFromStorage!=undefined&&subjectLineFromStorage!=null&&subjectLineFromStorage.trim().length!=0&& typeof subjectLineFromStorage == "string"){
//storing the value in the storage
function storeSubjectLine(){
var nameInputVal = document.getElementById("subjectID").value;
//window.location="{{=URL('default', 'siteMap') + '/'}}" + subjectLineFromStorage;

//storing the value in the storage
function storeMessageBody(){
var nameInputVal2 = document.getElementById("messageBodyID").value;
//window.location="{{=URL('default', 'siteMap') + '/'}}" + messageFromStorage;

function goToURL(){
window.location="{{=URL('default', 'siteMap') + '/'}}" + subjectLineFromStorage ;


<!------ javascript stuff above -------------------->


Alex Glaros

Feb 15, 2015, 2:15:33 PM2/15/15
whole problem solved by deleting all JavaScript and simply running recipient selection function in iframe.
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