Re: Feedback on web vitals - single page apps

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Guillaume Charles

2021年3月17日 清晨6:25:442021/3/17

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to share with you that this is still something very important for us. We’re getting close to the next update of the core web vitals and in case you have any insight to share around this, it would help us a lot.

So the direct question is: will you release something in April/May to measure the duration/performance of soft navigations or single page apps (or any user action on a website which does not trigger a hard navigation)?

I guess you cannot reveal this but I thought I’d ask, just in case 😊



Best regards,



From: Guillaume Charles <>
Date: Friday, 11 December 2020 at 16:53
To: <>
Subject: Feedback on web vitals - single page apps

Hi team,


I’ve just watched this video:


and I had some feedback. Our biggest challenge today is to monitor the performance of single page apps, so everything which is not a “hard navigation”.

We noticed that apps behave differently, and sometimes a user clicking on a button can trigger one or several soft navigations, and there is no easy way to measure the experience of the users with this type of interactions. And the current web vitals do not work for this.

For us that’s really the top priority, because today we came up with a system where we configure manually what is the start and the end of the “action” using CSS selectors, which is not super user-friendly.

And in case you have some more info on this (when do you think it would be released, do you already have ideas to tackle this…) that would be awesome!


Best regards,



Philip Walton

2021年9月21日 下午6:16:302021/9/21
Hi Guillaume, I know this reply is late, but I just wanted to mention that we recently published a post with answers to common questions about how SPA architectures affect Core Web Vitals:

Please let us know if you have any concerns not addressed in this post.

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