INP Failing

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Adam and Joanne Gallagher

May 16, 2023, 10:22:15 AM5/16/23
Web Core Vitals Team,

I would like to point out that INP is a step way to far when it comes to a ranking metric given that 99% of the time advertising causes higher FID and now INP scores given the extremely heavy JavaScript load. Without ads, websites and Google couldn’t be in business. By getting everyone in trouble with INP you are putting publishers including yourself in an impossible position. It is almost impossible to pass with ads on your website. To make things worse. GPT which runs almost all ads on the internet causes extremely high TBT. 

Don’t take my word for it. has a failing INP score when you test it on PageSpeed Insights. Probably because of advertising. Just thought I would point that out. 

Adam and Joanne Gallagher

Inspired Taste - Easy Recipes for Home Cooks

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Barry Pollard

May 16, 2023, 2:33:36 PM5/16/23
to web-vitals-feedback
Hi Adam. Thanks for your feedback.

The Core Web Vitals thresholds are based on a balance of looking to provide good user experience and achievability. They are intended to give site owners the visibility into where they could improve the user experience on their sites.

We recognise the extra challenges with Ads, and other third-party content, but that does not alter the fact that the experience could be improved.

One of the reasons we have given a one year lead time to making INP a Core Web Vital is to give the entire ecosystem the time to understand and improve INP. That falls on site owners, Ad and other third-party providers, and browser vendors. We are reaching out to all three (including GPT) and have already seen positive improvements in INP since it was introduced last year. We hope that, with added focus, that can be improved further over the next year.

Matheus Dal'Pizzol

Feb 28, 2024, 9:59:27 AMFeb 28
to web-vitals-feedback
Well... Here we are at the gates of the new algorithm, and nothing has changed. I spent basically an entire year getting into the most excruciating details of our code, getting everything out of the way and got to a performance score of 100.
The moment I drop the GPT tag and ad units into place, the TBT goes up to 20s and the performance score drops to 50.
On top of that, there's no new docs on GPT pointing to any changes that could help with this, not even on how to get it working with some third party solution like Partytown.js.
So... After a year of hard work doing EVERYTHING that Google told us to do with our code, All we're left with is frustration and fear that our websites are going to fall off the indexes and Google have spoke nothing on any sort of solution to that.

Inspired Taste

Mar 14, 2024, 1:56:22 PMMar 14
to web-vitals-feedback
Well. It has been a full year since I posted this and now we are failing INP. We average 230ms and the main culprit is still Google GPT.js causing latency in the ad pipeline. The only way we can pass is to completely defer ad loading for multiple seconds which is absurdly unsustainable. is also still failing. (See screenshot) I pointed this out to Danny Sullivan and John Mueller on X. They both publicly responded that Google needs to do better. Google updated the docs to say that it is a ranking signal, system or factor. I am still confused. The bottom line is the fact that there is a warning for a ridiculous threshold which Google can’t even pass. Google should be extremely embarrassed about how INP is being handled. The threshold is unfair to place onto publishers and even Google themselves. 
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