In this document,
the image shows that a value of 2.5s or lower is good, between 2.5 and 4s needs
improvements, and over 4s it's poor.
When running lighthouse for a site in desktop mode, it flags times like 1.3s in
yellow/orange, putting them in the `needs improvement` range, even if they are
in the `good` range according to the docs.
Lighthouse seems to actually use a different range when testing in desktop mode or lower is good, 1.2-2.4s needs improvements, over 2.4s is poor. So a 2.4s
value for desktop would be displayed in red and at the same time the docs say it's
According to this other document, this change was made in lighthouse to prevent
inflated numbers for desktop, because they were not correct think the LCP documentation should be updated to reflect that values to consider
are actually different depending on the device type.