Wildcard types in chrome manifests

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Tom Gibara

읽지 않음,
2012. 5. 9. 오후 7:13:0212. 5. 9.
받는사람 web-inten...@googlegroups.com
So, I thought I'd have write my first web intents service.

Skipping past the complications arising from developing exclusively on Linux machines (I don't think Chromium doesn't support web intents yet), I've hit a problem that looks rather like a bug in the Chrome webstore's handling of intents - or I'm missing something.

Based on what I read here:

it looks as though I should be able to specify a wildcard MIME (eg. "image/*"). And the introduction here:

doesn't seem to forbid it. But any attempt to submit an app to the chrome webstore containing a manifest with such a type fails. The types "*" and "*/*" fail too. However, changing the type to "image/jpg" (and changing nothing else) works fine. Then I looked at some of the examples on GitHub, eg:

and didn't see any use of a type wildcard. I guess my question is: to what extent are MIME types with wildcard subtypes currently supported?

Paul Kinlan

읽지 않음,
2012. 5. 9. 오후 7:27:1412. 5. 9.
받는사람 web-inten...@googlegroups.com

Yes. Currently the chrome web store requires you to fully the data types in your manifest without wildcard. It can resolve services using wildcards when you call start activity.

Also note the syntax for intents since that blog post. Each intent key is now an array of dictionarys.  Your code should remain the same but with an extra [] around the original value.

So that would be "intents": {
"http://webintents.org/share": [{title: "test", "type":["image/png"], href: "blah"}]

There is a doc that explains it better on code.google.com/extensions in the manifest format chapter.

Hope that helps.


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Tom Gibara

읽지 않음,
2012. 5. 9. 오후 7:35:4412. 5. 9.
받는사람 web-inten...@googlegroups.com
I hadn't picked up on that difference. Thanks.

btw, couldn't locate that page anywhere obvious (to me).

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Paul Kinlan

읽지 않음,
2012. 5. 9. 오후 7:38:3012. 5. 9.
받는사람 web-inten...@googlegroups.com
Cool, now that I am not on the phone.  Here is the link http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/dev/manifest.html#intents

It is currently on beta and dev.  Stable soon we hope.

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