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New Sept. Max temp. record for Wembury

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Sep 9, 2023, 6:35:02 PM9/9/23
to Weather and Climate
Today's max was 27.2°C.
Only just beat the previous Sept. record of 27.1°C on 7th Sep 2021.

Seven consecutive days now with temp. above 25°C.
I think this is the end of the heatwave now as showers have arrived as I type.
No thunder yet though.

Wembury, SW Devon

Graham Easterling

Sep 10, 2023, 4:06:50 AM9/10/23
to Weather and Climate
Distant lightning here the night before last. Thunder 2am this morning, 3.2mm of rain fell. Couple of fairly distant rumbles, but they did go on a bit. I was half asleep but it sounded cloud to cloud.

One very unusual aspect of this hot spell has been the almost total lack of wind over the last 4 days. Strongest gust 9mph, here on the coast on the tip of Cornwall with temperatures just inland of 27C or so. The sea surface is warm, but still generally below 20C, except over the beaches. Also it normally takes a decent breeze, blowing down the peninsula, to bring the hot air down.

My September record of 27.0C on 6/9/04 still stands. Highest this year was yesterday at 25.6C. However the minimum on 5th of 19.2C beat the old record by 1.1C!



Sep 10, 2023, 5:22:30 AM9/10/23
to Weather and Climate
Lots of lightning arrived here between 0145 and 0230 BST.
All of it was quite bright but cloud to cloud as far as I could see.
Virtually no thunder except a distant rumble on one occasion.
Rain 6.3 mm.

Graham, my record Sept. min was also 19.2°C but occurred on the 7th.


Nick Gardner

Sep 10, 2023, 8:38:54 AM9/10/23
to Weather and Climate
Yesterday beat my previous September record with 29.3°C and with dewpoints around 21°C at the time it was a tad on the sticky side.

Overnight light rain with distant lightning has failed to bring a relief from the humidity today with high temperatures and dewpoints. Currently 25.6°C and a dewpoint of 21.3°C, and with hardly a breath of wind, it's a bit muggy.

Still, I'm going to head to the beach where it's cooler and have a swim. The sea feels unusually warm and I see that offshore temperatures in Lyme Bay are between 20°C and 22°C.

Otter Valley, Devon.

Graham Easterling

Sep 10, 2023, 10:51:21 AM9/10/23
to Weather and Climate
Sea temperature currently 19.2c at the Penzance buoy, it did hit 20C yesterday. Jubilee Pool 22C.

Does mean swimming in October should still be fairly pleasant, even if the air temperature is normal.

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