Yesterday the promise in the early morning forecast was for showers to die out in the afternoon well I'm afraid they didn't, I notice they are spinning the same yarn for today, we'll see.
The forecasters are still being very upbeat about today's forecast though (exactly what tablets are they on). At 8.57am Simon King said "Today's weather is going to be a typical summer's day" but in the next sentence he quickly adds the proviso "we've got some sunny spells and it's going to stay dry for many of us" adding "I say for many of us because they are a few showers around" - for many of us read northern Scotland.
It makes you wonder If this is how they're excluded from the rest of the country in the weather forecast, how much of the same kind of thinking permeates down into the finance meetings in government when they divi up the budget?
I would rather him say it like it really is: There is a strong thermal contrast across the UK with the north of Scotland remarkably cool for the time of year (sub 546 dm thickness likes its been for extended spells from mid May) whilst further south warmer air (~564 dm thickness) still hangs on. It may be a summers day today in the south but yesterday driving up into Sutherland in those showers it felt more like October.
The thickness at Lerwick was just 538.1 dm at midnight which for July is really quite something, especially as just four days before it was 569.4 the 28th of June Scotland's heatwave, I say heatwave because the WMO has made a special dispensation for countries the likes of Scotland, Iceland and Greenland in that heatwaves only have to last one and not three consecutive days.