Earth tremor at 1430 UTC

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Feb 17, 2018, 9:35:41 AM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate
Very strange but I am certain we just experienced a slight Earth Tremor down here in Devon!
Lasted only a few seconds but wobbled my office chair.
And no I haven't been drinking!


Feb 17, 2018, 9:47:09 AM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate

I was right - magnitude 4.9 in Wales!

Jack Harrison

Feb 17, 2018, 10:19:56 AM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate
Quote from a popular redtop tabloid:  "Powerful earthquakes to ravage Earth in 2018 as planet's rotation temporarily slows."

You simply have to blame Brexit or Trump - or both.


John Hall

Feb 17, 2018, 1:15:32 PM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate
The BBC news website has an item about it, so your sobriety isn't in question. :) I didn't feel anything here in Surrey.


Feb 17, 2018, 5:18:39 PM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate
I was hunting around for a web site to confirm what I felt.What was slightly irritating was that the BBC were waiting for confirmation from the BAG that an earthquake had occurred. What happened before seismometers existed? It should have been plain from the reports on social media that one had occurred. Talking to a number of our neighbours and they all felt it, apparently it was the biggest for 10 years.

Len W

Feb 17, 2018, 6:32:57 PM2/17/18
to Weather and Climate
Felt nothing here on SW Devon coast.
Mind you I was out gardening at the time.



Feb 18, 2018, 2:02:00 AM2/18/18
to Weather and Climate
It doesn't seem unreasonable to me that the BBC should wait for confirmation. They can't go around reporting rumour as fact. Just because the Twittersphere (or whatever the hell it's called) is yapping about it doesn't make it true.

And no, I didn't feel it. Isn't mag 4.9 pretty strong by UK standards?

Alan Barker

Feb 18, 2018, 3:21:47 PM2/18/18
to Weather and Climate
The Lincolnshire earthquake a few years ago was a 5.2. My wife’s late uncle who lived in Market Rasen was woken up by a noise and rumbling in the night. However he ignored it assuming it was a train derailing on the nearby line! I also experienced a minor earthquake a couple of years ago near La Rochelle in France. I thought it was a large lorry passing along the road!

Alan Barker

Feb 18, 2018, 3:23:09 PM2/18/18
to Weather and Climate
Should have included this link above

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