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Apr 21, 2018, 3:30:29 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate


Apr 21, 2018, 3:41:21 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate

Looking south from Bradninch 0735 UTC

I must say that the models handled this pocket of instability very well. I just wonder how much it will develop as it moves NNE during the day.


Apr 21, 2018, 4:13:51 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate


Apr 21, 2018, 4:18:40 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate

Cloud filling in and sunny start all but gone - looking SE from Bradninch at 0815 UTC


Apr 21, 2018, 6:30:54 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate
Well we've had a short burst of rain for 5 minutes and that was it, so the rainfall radar must be picking up the rainfall from the medium level instability.

By the looks of the latest satellite in a half hour the sun should be back out!


Apr 21, 2018, 7:30:04 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate
Plenty of Ac Cas around with some virga, but nothing on the radar for here in Cholsey. They're now saying there's a chance of thunderstorms around 1600 to 1700


Apr 21, 2018, 8:14:14 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate

There are some thunderstorms brewing up of the coast of Cherbourg at the moment, and I also notice some big tops building in the latest satellite image in Whitsand Bay

Julian Mayes

Apr 21, 2018, 10:58:16 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate
Well it looks as though your heading is more relevant than ever right now as Brittany seems to be about to export something spectacular towards Devon.  Nothing so exciting in Surrey but I'll make one comment - we've had about 7 oktas through much of the afternoon and it has thickened up nicely in the last hour or so - quite dark, calm and oppressive out there now. Extraordinary for April that it stays so warm after the sun has been in for several hours. 

Dress code for today is, of course shorts and T shirts. The radar shows rain edging into west London and we've had a few large drops here.  I do wonder how many people 'out and about' have actually looked at a weather forecast today (not that you'd need a coat if it did pour down). Maybe it is more than I think.  At least everyone is getting a warning by the look of the sky right now.   

Julian    Molesey,  Surrey   

Len W

Apr 21, 2018, 11:38:38 AM4/21/18
to Weather and Climate
Have been surrounded by Cb here but very little rain and mostly sunny.
Heard some distant thunder at 1614.

The radar echoes coming across the channel look spectacular.
Probably pass to east of here but Torbay might get a soaking.

Wembury, SW Devon

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