Whilst totally agreeing about the need to ameliorate climate change, it slightly irritates me to see claims about electric cars being 'carbon neutral'. In China, an electric car is actually responsible for more CO2 emissions than an efficient petrol car, due to the means of power production. Then there's the energy involved in manufacture, road maintenance etc.
The rest is a bit of an (OT) rant - be warned!
We live in a world where more and more are claiming to be 'green', politicians plant trees for the cameras, Charlie Boy jets around the world giving advice on being green, whilst being responsibly for CO2 emissions equivalent to an entire 3rd world nation.
Meanwhile CO2 emissions are rising at record rates, and deforestation is occurring at a record rate, some down to the environmentally catastrophic palm oil plantations.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdpspllWI2o . Concrete production is soaring and now accounts for nearly 10% of global CO2 emissions, far more than aviation.
The only time this century that CO2 global emissions slightly dropped was during the economic crash of 2008. Was this considered reason for celebration? Well no, we got the scrappage scheme to boost cars sales etc. An opportunity to benefit the environment lost to the alter of ever greater GDP.
Not looking hopeful I'd say. In comparison you'd think that cutting down on plastics would be child's play. Best not to look in the average supermarket then, watching people carry water, in plastic bottles, wrapped together by plastic into packs of 4. . . . Down in Cornwall, back in the 60's when I was but a lad, plenty of tar on beaches but virtually no plastic. What a transformation in 50 years.
Still, the world is saved, plastic straw production is dropping.