I so often write about extreme weather in other places but until it happens to you and your home it's never real.
Well this afternoon we had half an hour of flash flooding in the village which turned the A834 into a raging torrent.
I was never expecting it to find its way through the garden gate and around both sides of the house but it managed it without much effort at all.
It came level with the front doorstep and no higher but it did find its way through an old Victorian cast air grille under the floorboards - hopefully given time this will all dry out.
It's at times like these that it brings home the reality of an ever warming world home to you - maybe there's something to all these stories I've been hearing:-}
I can see the culprit in the weather radar image moving away to the northeast which produced a mix of torrential rain and petit pois size hail for around 30 minutes with flashes of lightning and instantaneous peals of thunder.
I think my estimate of 35.8 mm might be on the low side - I wish I had stuck that old 5" copper gauge in the ground like I was going to do the other day.
This picture was taken after the storm had passed by but it gives you an idea of how the water cascaded off the road, through the gate and down the steps - all we have to do now is clear up.
I wonder how the folk down in Dingwall are faring?
I did remind my wife that I had said earlier (see earlier post about three days of warnings) that tomorrow might be just as bad!