Second day running of Mizzelry in Wembury

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Len W

Aug 20, 2018, 9:38:47 AM8/20/18
to Weather and Climate
Is there no end to this grot?
Autumn mists have arrived, and as regards the Azores high moving over us as hinted at in another post, the jury is out on this one.
Only GFS is indicating this for Wed 29th Aug.

Paul Garvey

Aug 20, 2018, 10:42:16 AM8/20/18
to Weather and Climate
Muggy, rain mainly evaporating but sometimes making it to ground level. No problems for working. 23C. Grot? You must be kidding me, this is blooming excellent compared to the last few years, still!

As to your last point; glad you read my post, TY. The jury is always out until the conditions occur - or not! Let's see eh?. *>))
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