What happens when you lose the sea breeze?

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Jun 28, 2019, 12:33:20 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate
Amazing rise in temperature at Lossiemouth late this afternoon.
All that rubbish about the NW Highland being the warmest place in Scotland from the BBC Weather all afternoon - maybe they should check the obs now and again.



Jun 28, 2019, 12:35:04 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate


Julian Mayes

Jun 28, 2019, 1:05:43 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate
Hold on Bruce, the NW Highlands has been warmer.   30.0C at Achnagart at 15z.   

15z and 16z, above 26C from Altnaharra down to Threave. It is patchy though, of course, from place to place. Auchincruive Ag Coll. inland from Ayr, 27.6C. 14z. 

Maybe it depends which observations you look at? 


Jack Harrison

Jun 28, 2019, 1:06:48 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate

I was on the Moray Coast this morning.  It wasn’t so much a sea breeze but the sea fog (haar) was lapping onto the immediate coast and retreated rapidly once the land had warmed enough.


This view looking west (parallel to the coast) from Hopeman, about 5 kilometres to the west of Lossiemouth airfield.  Picture taken from about 200 metres inland from the sea.


The foreground crop is - in the local vernacular - tatties.




Jun 28, 2019, 3:31:51 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate
Yes, I did notice that took the top slot but it was the astonishing rise in temperature that I noticed after being in sea fog till 12 UTC.


Jun 28, 2019, 3:42:06 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate
Here are the max temps from the SYNOPs. the public can't get a look at the private list that the Met Office keep locked away that includes places such as Achnagart and Porthmadog. A very high max of 25.3°C on South Uist as well.


Julian Mayes

Jun 28, 2019, 4:35:57 PM6/28/19
to Weather and Climate
When an hourly t or max is mentioned on the BBC it will usually be courtesy of MeteoGroup - i.e. a large proportion of AWS sites including what we used to call climat stations in the old days. Indeed, that's the only way I'd know about the likes of Achnagart, Teddington, Ross-on-Wye etc.   The data originates from the MO official network of course. 


Julian Mayes

Jun 29, 2019, 6:28:58 AM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
Yes, I did notice that [Achnagart] took the top slot but it was the astonishing rise in temperature that I noticed after being in sea fog till 12 UTC.

So the idea that the NW Highlands were warmest could not have been 'rubbish' - it shows the forecasters were indeed looking at the obs. 



Jun 29, 2019, 10:09:54 AM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
Yes they were - but they had access to the full list.

But which station is reporting the highest temperature isn't the be all and end all of a TV weather forecast which it seems to be these days.

This might be smoke screening on my part - but a rise of over 11°C in two hours at Lossiemouth - after they lost the sea breeze and the haar - to me was just as significant as the 30°C at Achnagart.

I can see that I'm going to have to choose my words more wisely and get my anomalies spot on from now on!

Jack Harrison

Jun 29, 2019, 12:16:40 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate

It was DREICH earlier on Friday, my favourite Scottish word, the second being TATTIES.  (In my youth in Norfolk, they were TATERS pronounced Tayterz). 
I might add that although born in England (and happen now to be living in Scotland) I consider myself British rather than narrowly English.  Indeed, I actually like to think of myself first and foremost as a European.


Readers are allowed one guess as to which side of the Brexit argument I am on.


Julian Mayes

Jun 29, 2019, 12:34:59 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate

Indeed, I actually like to think of myself first and foremost as a European.


Readers are allowed one guess as to which side of the Brexit argument I am on.

I have had my guess and congratulate you on your wisdom.    I'd better mention the weather after that - mercifully here on the edge of London the dewpoint is now dropping. It felt like a sauna late am well before the temp peaked. Down to 13.8 at nearby Teddington.   

Good forecasts of peak temperature today, acknowledging that it is very different in the north and west. I hope the news mentions the thunderstorms as well as the heat. 




Jun 29, 2019, 12:36:53 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
Did you mean 31.8°C?

Julian Mayes

Jun 29, 2019, 12:40:00 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
The full observations list is of course available at https://www.weatherobs.com/

- more or less full, anyway. Usefully includes some half-hourly METARS too. 

Sorry about the separate message, had not realised that I was on the same thread!   

Good recent temp drop at Almondsbury, Bristol.


Julian Mayes

Jun 29, 2019, 2:28:00 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
Did you mean 31.8°C?
No, sorry, I was being unclear; 13.8C was the (lower) dewpoint t. at that time. 



Jun 29, 2019, 3:33:02 PM6/29/19
to Weather and Climate
Me too.

I know it is pointless and unwise to enter any discussion on Brexit here,
but it would be interesting to know what the split was amongst weather enthusiasts.
One would hope they have a little more worldly view on things.


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