2016 SEP 15 dawn Squall West Moors

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Martin Rowley [West Moors/East Dorset]

Sep 15, 2016, 5:18:10 AM9/15/16
to Weather and Climate
... There we were in bed, supping a first cuppa with hardly anything happening outside - when I last looked out ~05Z (6am), leaves hardly moving on the tree immediatley outside (large American Red Oak - in full leaf).
Around 0520-0525Z (6.20-6.25am), sudden marked 'whooshing' outside - leapt up to see if it was raining (no) - but found the tree outside 'writhing' in what was at least a Bft 5, probably Bft 6 before I got up to look - and within a couple of minutes back to barely a whisper.

Hurn METAR didn't show anything (below), but it might have fallen between the half-hourly obs - gusts on METARs only cover the previous 10 minutes. SYNOP still not 'firing' since the storms of the 13th.

[PS - any chance of a 'Squall / Line Squall / Gust' tag(s)?]

EGHH 150620Z VRB03KT 9999 -DZ SCT035 16/15 Q1010
EGHH 150550Z 34004KT 9999 FEW015 15/14 Q1010
EGHH 150520Z 08003KT 9999 FEW015 15/14 Q1010
EGHH 150450Z 31001KT CAVOK 15/14 Q1012


Sep 15, 2016, 7:38:09 AM9/15/16
to weathera...@googlegroups.com


Yes you're right, the Hurn SYNOP is still missing, without them you're in a bit of black hole as regards SYNOPs.

This won't help very much but along the channel there was always a force 3 or 4 running and a gust to 26 knots at 05 UTC:-

That got me digging into CB activity and the weather radar:-

So it must have been the outflow from this trough and the CB's along it!


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