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Penzance - No rain since 14th, dry May

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Graham Easterling

May 23, 2024, 7:19:04 AM5/23/24
to Weather and Climate
Completely at odds with much of the UK (excluding western Scotland & N Ireland), the last measurable rain was 1.5mm on 14th.

It's also been sunny week or so. A slow cooling trend, but still a slightly above normal maximum of 18.7C yesterday.

This morning the Sc sheet has broken nicely. Overlooking Penzance at 11:00


Cool on the north coast, but still pleasant enough on the south. The strong late May sunshine helping to offset the cool air.

Depressions have crossed SW England, but no organised Atlantic fronts, the rainfall has been inland convectional downpours. These have drifted over the coasts at times to the east of Camborne, but we've totally escaped. 

Currently the 3rd driest May in my 34 year record!



May 23, 2024, 6:29:39 PM5/23/24
to Weather and Climate
Down the road from you Graham I have recorded 73.5 mm this May so far.
118% of the 30-yr average for May.

Reservoirs are full so there'll be no hose pipe bans this year.
Instead better boil your water. LOL.



May 24, 2024, 11:39:59 AM5/24/24
to Weather and Climate
We've had more than Len in the Shropshire rain shadow - 78.5 mm, which is 143% of average.  Most fell on three days - 13th, 21st and 22nd.  Rest of the month has been mostly dry, with only 9 rain days out of the 24.

Graham Easterling

May 26, 2024, 6:33:58 AM5/26/24
to Weather and Climate
Finally got some rain yesterday, but the fronts did fragment rather, so the total rainfall was 3.2mm, bringing the months total to 30.9mm (44% of 1991-2020 norm).

It was, however, a distinctly cool, cloudy day with a fresh F4-5 onshore SE wind. The maximum of 15.2C being the lowest since 15.0C on 14th. It felt colder.

Rather back to the normal (for this May) today. Inland heavy convectional showers today, drifting off the south coast to the east of the hopefully Penzance will stay virtually dry. 
2024-05-26 11_26_20-Capture.png

Just a few light showers over the sea, we had a few spots around 09:30.


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