Is that house occupied Len? I rather hope not. That storm occurred well before the spring tides (which are almost here), so it could have been worse.
With the persistent large seas, travel to Scilly has been heavily disrupted throughout the Easter period.. No Scillonian or freight ship to Scilly last Friday, yesterday, today, certainly not tomorrow. Flights heavily disrupted. Many Easter visitors stuck with little hope of getting back until Tuesday, even then it'll. be uncomfortable on the ship. Even the foods running low now (plenty of beer apparently). It's been sea conditions, not wind, that have had the biggest impact in Cornwall of late, though tonight could be interesting.
According to the current warning.
- Some delays to road, rail, air and ferry transport are possible
More of an absolute certainty!
Still, hope on the horizon!"
On Sunday 7 April 2024 at 15:08:22 UTC+1 Len wrote: