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BBC Climate change mis-information

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Graham Easterling

Aug 4, 2023, 9:27:26 AM8/4/23
to Weather and Climate
Anyone who's read my posts will have a good idea of my views on climate change. But, so much misinformation is used to support it.

So on the lunch time news there was a report which said the SST off Plymouth is 18C. It then went on to say that's 4C above normal which is garbage, it's virtually spot on the 18C norm for the last 30 years. In practice todays buoy reports off the south coast of Devon & Cornwall are showing below normal temperatures of near 15C or 3C below normal.

Back in June the SST was close to 20C off Lands End, which was at least 4C above the norm, but we all know what the weather's been like since. In fact there was a report then saying SST to the west of Britain were inexplicably high, perhaps down to lack of atmospheric dust. I seem to remember posting at the time saying they'd rather missed the obvious, the prolonged warmth, sunshine, flat calm conditions of a big area of the Atlantic to the west of the UK  & virtually no stirring.

It's several years since SSTs off the SW coast have been so low in August. 


Tudor Hughes

Aug 4, 2023, 5:04:09 PM8/4/23
to Weather and Climate
No-one in the media has the slightest clue about meteorology, or anything scientific come to that, so it's not in the least surprising that they make no distinction between local SST's and the mean SST for the entire globe which may well be high.

Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.

Graham Easterling

Aug 5, 2023, 4:33:30 AM8/5/23
to Weather and Climate
On a similar climate change note, the BBC also said in a recent TV news that they don't normally show action by environmental groups, but they were forced to show the recent Greenpeace action at Suniks little pad due to the security implications. (In practice Greenpeace just walked in & rang the doorbell to make sure nobody was in).

Good to know that if you think drilling for oil is not the best way forward & object, you will not be heard by 'Your BBC'. Also the government has just banned DEFRA from talking to environmental groups like Greenpeace. 

I remember when George Eustace was in charge of DEVRA, not exactly my favourite politician, but at least he engaged with people, and allowed DEFRA to meet with groups like Greenpeace. AS a result of talks like this there was no badger cull in west Cornwall, instead a highly successful vaccination programme, helped by our rather unique geographical position.  Now there's only one truth or it's Room 101 with you. Luckily there should be some great live music there.


Aug 6, 2023, 3:01:56 AM8/6/23
to Weather and Climate
  I hardly believe anything I see or read these days - I have become an absolute cynic.

Two pictures of nearby Findhorn Bay.  One is a computer generated by AI, the other is one of my genuine photos.



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