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Most anomalously warm N Atlantic ever?

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Graham Easterling

Nov 9, 2021, 3:03:00 PM11/9/21
to Weather and Climate
Well, I've never seen it so warm relative to the 1981-201 norm. Thwarmth goes right across to the Great Lankes.

2021-11-09 19_38_50-Capture.png

So very different to the recent North Atlantic cool pool which some experts were suggesting was down to a weakening of the conveyor belt. Might have to rethink that.

Global warming wouldn't be quite such a worry if the predictions bore more relation to what evolves. Nobody seemed to predict the temporary expansion of Antarctic sea ice a while back (that I noticed) but they all rushed out to explain in afterwards. I won't mention the lack of gales this century again. It all rather demonstrates our very limited understanding of what we are doing to the climate (the science is definitely not settled, despite some posts to the contrary), so the aim must be to minimise our impact. THat's the whole ethos of Greenpeace.

On a similar subject a couple of graphs on the COP summit. 

In addition the majority of delegates in the large Brazil figure, were associated with Amazon rain forest clearing, legal & illegal. The first draft of the Glasgow decision text - which lays out the next steps for nations to tackle the climate crisis and is what countries will sign when COP26 ends. doesn't mention phasing out fossil fuels!

Biden criticising China & Russia, but per capita  . . and little is changing.

Not looking good I'd say. The swinging of attention to methane was a crafty political move. Even then plenty of mention of fixing leaks, but what about the Tundra? . . and indeed the Arctic ocean 

SW Water can't seem to sort out all these sewage overflows which overflow whenever there's a sharp shower.


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