Penzance - Torrential rain & sleet.

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Graham Easterling

Nov 30, 2023, 4:50:22 AM11/30/23
to Weather and Climate
None of Len's snow but VERY heavy rain & sleet for 4 hours or so. Even some white rainfall echoes. Total rainfall to 09:00 13.6mm, temperature dipped to 2.3C (easily the coldest of the winter) around 08:00. 2.6C @ 09:00. If only it was 2C colder we'd have had a winter wonderland.

Easing off now and just rain.

Just inland it's been snow, and despite being around 2C it's been heavy enough to give a very wet covering.



Glencoe ski resort must be envious!

Penzance (bit of a shock after yesterday's pleasant calm & bright weather)

Graham Easterling

Nov 30, 2023, 5:20:25 AM11/30/23
to Weather and Climate
Temperature now 1.5C and the sleet is more snowlike now, enough to cover the velux.

Strange that despite a manned station in snowy Camborne, there's been no mention of even sleet on the postcode forecast for the snow covered town. In fact rain's still forecast for much of Cornwall, and no weather warnings for the west of Cornwall despite schools being closed and a school bus stuck at Wendron. In fact the heaviest snow is a long way to the west of the warning area. We've had plenty of weather warnings for smaller rainfall totals than the rainfall equivalent of this wet snow. 


Graham Easterling

Nov 30, 2023, 6:46:01 AM11/30/23
to Weather and Climate
Most snow to settle in west Cornwall seems to be in the Four Lanes areas to the south of Camborne Redruth. About the furthest spot from the sea west of Truro.


Just raw & bleak in Penzance. Around 2C now with sleety drizzle & a strong NE wind. Thoroughly unpleasant.


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