Dear colleague,
Climate Risk Analysis invites you to its
45th Online Course in Climate Time
Series Analysis.
The major points you find below, and the full details are on the
registration website. It would be great if this course would be
of interest to you or your students. Thanks for circulating this
message (I attach a low-res flyer), and sorry in case you
receive it several times.
Best wishes
Dr. Manfred Mudelsee, CEO
P.s.: Please let me know if I need to remove you from the course
invitation list.
45th Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis, 1 to 10
February 2023 by Manfred Mudelsee
*Deadline for registration*
20 January 2023
*Twenty participants*
First come, first serve
*Course book, e-book version*
Mudelsee M (2014) Climate Time Series Analysis: Classical
Statistical and Bootstrap Methods. Second edition. Springer, 454
*Registration fee net price, no
Without e-book: 1300 EUR
With e-book: 1400 EUR
*Registration website*
*Registration form*
*Flyer 1200 dpi*
This Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis is
specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs,
who wish to learn about an important combination of disciplines
(climate change and time series analysis), but have had so far
not much exposure to in-depth statistical teaching. It will also
attract professional researchers, who wish to update their
knowledge or to learn new statistical techniques. We assume that
participants come from somewhere in the range of climatology,
ecology, econometrics, environmental sciences, geosciences,
hydrology, meteorology, or physics.
This online format has emerged in response partly to the
Covid-19 situation (which started in 2020), but also to the
general upward trend in need of electronic high-level quality
What distinguishes this from other online courses? First, the
course provides videos that have been designed, recorded
and edited with care. You can go repeatedly through the videos
and make breaks as you need. You receive and can study again the
delivered course slides. Second, daily chat meetings via
a video platform over the full course duration allow you to
prepare questions beforehand and get extensive response. To
accomodate the various time zones, there will be one morning and
one afternoon chat. Third, own-developed software,
specifically designed to get the most out of "dirty" climate
time series data, will enhance your arsenal of analytical tools.
Fourth, the individual feedback period of two months
post-course (via email and, possibly, online meetings) preserves
the interactive mode of joint data analysis, it allows to go in
depth through real applications — perhaps on your own data!
A technical highlight of this 45th course is that it presents
a novel tool (LINCAL) for paleoclimate proxy calibration with
realistic uncertainty measures (Mudelsee, 2022, in prep.).