A question of timing.

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Graham Easterling

Mar 24, 2024, 11:30:37 AM3/24/24
to Weather and Climate
The forecast maximum temperatures in spring are nearly always too low in Penzance (as I believe, is often the case, in Wembury). In Penzance this discrepancy is biggest wih an offshore breeze, as little account seems to be taken of the wind direction. Today the discrepancy was accentuated by the frontal cloud arriving later than forecast.

So forecast on the MetO site for Sennen as at 12:40

2024-03-24 12_55_34-Capture.png
The forecast temperatures were identical for Penzance, despite it being spring and the wind onshore at Sennen, offshore in Penzance. (This is a feature of the postcode forecasts which is up there with no allowance of salt spray in the visibility forecasts)

A quick look at the webcams suggested something different, so I went off for a walk at Sennen. Around 13:30


In practice the maximum was 13.3C in Penzance, reached around 14:00.

Clouded over now (15:30) but still bright with the sun visible.

Lucky we have webcams!



Mar 25, 2024, 5:04:04 PM3/25/24
to Weather and Climate
The forecast temperatures in Wembury can be too low more in summer than other seasons.
They go wrong when we have more sunshine than forecast. They are not too bad on overcast days.
Today's forecast was spot on with forecast and actual max of 10°C.

22.4 mm of rain today to 18.00. 
There is a chance my March record total of 181 mm from 2018 might be broken.
Record began 1985.
Have had 146  mm so far this month with 6 days to go.

SW Devon
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