Very wet morning in Spadeadam

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Aug 10, 2019, 10:17:21 AM8/10/19
to Weather and Climate
The 06-12 rainfall total for Spadeadam was 52 mm, my estimate from rainfall radar was a little low (39.9 mm), either way it's been a very wet morning in this part of Cumbia.

This rain will end up in the River Irthing which feeds into Eden which I should imagine are running very high as a result.

I imagine the rain is falling from the occlusion which forms the boundary between the strong winds to the south and the much lighter winds over Scotland to the north.

I made that last comment without first looking at the UKMO analysis, which normally likes to have a plethora of occlusions and troughs across the country in a situation like this, but not in the 06 UTC for this part of the world, perhaps one will magically appear in the 12 UTC edition. 

Smartie might be able to provide an answer if he is listening - over to you David...



Aug 11, 2019, 6:04:17 AM8/11/19
to Weather and Climate

Well not just one magically appeared in the 12 UTC analysis but two!

I would be the first to admit that it wasn't an easy morning to keep the continuity going with...

There was no dewpoint difference north-south.

The only thing that marked them out was the wind speeds. 



Aug 11, 2019, 6:05:56 AM8/11/19
to Weather and Climate

Radar estimates still under reading the Spadeadam 68.8 mm.


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