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Penzance - Heavy snow shower 08:00 1cm or so.

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Graham Easterling

Jan 18, 2024, 4:47:08 AM1/18/24
to Weather and Climate
Daffs in my garden (09:30) in the thin covering under the trees.

2nd snow of the season to settle in west Cornwall, the first being on 30th November. This is the 1st to settle down to the sea level, away from exposed north facing coast where it was sleet.

Might post a couple taken when it was snowing later, but it was still pretty much dark.

This snow shower resulted in many schools being closed, even in Penzance, when there was just enough snow to play snowballs, and by noon I suspect it will be a distant memory. Including Humphry Davey 2ndary school in the middle of Penzance .

I remember, when I was a lad and winters were colder (and they really were, it was the '60s) we never got sent home from school. As a result on one day by home time there were no buses, and the road to Sennen, 8 miles away where I lived, was essentially blocked. We were just expected to walk for 3 hours. Three of us set off & got picked up by a 4 wheel drive around half way back. We all rather enjoyed it, though my parents were suffering a bit. Shame there were no mobiles then to record the event.

How things have changed.


Jan 18, 2024, 8:41:40 AM1/18/24
to Weather and Climate
Graham: "got picked up by a 4 wheel drive"

Sadly, nobody would dare do that these days for fear of being misunderstood.

Jack (N.Scotland)

Graham Easterling

Jan 18, 2024, 10:41:53 AM1/18/24
to Weather and Climate
As a student I once hitched non stop (apart from 2 hours in a service station) from Inverness to London. It took just under 24 hours. A days rest with my then girlfriend & I carried on to Penzance. In those days there were several hitching at every roundabout.

I recently saw a book, just released featuring 2 lads who hitched from Lands End to John O' Groats in just 10 days. That probably is an achievement now, rather sad really.

Despite it reaching 7C still some snow in north facing spots.


Jan 18, 2024, 11:45:22 AM1/18/24
to Weather and Climate
After finals at Uni June 1960 (Nottingham), there was a hitch-hiking contest: Land's End John o' Groats (either order) requiring proof— I think Post Offices would frank a card.  I didn't take part in this challenge as I was too busy flying Chipmunks in the University Air Squadron.

Anyway, my good mate Monty Foreman completed the entire round trip in some ridiculous time.  I can't recall how long, and we couldn't believe it when he got back.  It was certainly no more than four days in total.   Monty was 'interrogated' afterwards by the sceptics, but he really had completed as claimed.

Last day (I hope) of the big freeze up here.



Graham Easterling

Jan 19, 2024, 5:44:19 AM1/19/24
to Weather and Climate
Despite a maximum temperature of 6.9C & prolonged sunshine yesterday, the 1cm or so of snow didn't entirely melt. My icy drive this morning

(You have to appreciate snow is a real novelty in Penzance)

A few pics of Penzance yesterday. The top 2 just as the snow shower really set in. It was around -0.5C at the time after a minimum of -2.6C. Even the sea salt covered prom got a dusting, which took a while to melt even in the sun.


You have to appreciate snow is a real novelty in Penzance!

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