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Laindon, S.Essex. July 2016 Summary

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Dave C

Aug 3, 2016, 1:55:22 PM8/3/16
to Weather and Climate
A warm dry month, quite sunny. Garden surviving only due to very high June rainfall with water table starting relatively high.

Summary for July 2016

Temperature (°C):

Mean (min+max)   18.6    (+0.6C)   
Mean Minimum     13.8    (+0.3C)
Mean Maximum     23.3    (+0.7C)
Minimum          9.5 day 02
Maximum          30.2 day 19
Highest Minimum  18.7 day 20
Lowest Maximum   18.3 day 13

Rainfall (mm):
Total for month  16.6    (36%)
Wettest day      6.5 day 13
Rain days        7
Dry days         24
YTD        342 mm

Wind (mph):
Highest Gust     29 day 02
Gale days        0

Pressure (mb):
Maximum          1026.2 day 15
Minimum          996.6 day 29 
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