Yesterday's hailstorm in Perthshire

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Jun 10, 2018, 4:10:30 AM6/10/18
to Weather and Climate

I'm sure Windy Wilson won't mind!

In recent years I'm getting quite blase about images and video of severe hailstorm across Europe but not on the A9 in Scotland.

Here's the Twitter link.

Has there been a dramatic increase in hailstorms or is it the increased use of social media that makes it appear that way?


Jun 10, 2018, 4:25:19 AM6/10/18
to Weather and Climate

John Hall

Jun 10, 2018, 2:41:34 PM6/10/18
to Weather and Climate
That's mighty impressive, and the sort of thing that has occasionally been wrongly reported in the press as snow in days gone by.


Jun 11, 2018, 6:35:33 AM6/11/18
to Weather and Climate
WV+IR blend satellite image and GFS analysis tropopause pressure at 12 UTC 9 June showing Scotland was directly beneath a marked tropopause anomaly/vortex at the time of the storm

Regarding the rogue rain that came in from the Channel:
in the above plot it appears the GFS analysis captures the position of the two tropopause vortices over Biscay/ NW Spain and over Scotland quite well, however if you look at the Irish Sea there is a darker area of blue implying a sharper anomaly there, it does not appear in the GFS analysis (or ECMWF, not shown). By 00 UTC this anomaly is located over Lincolnshire and interacting with the area of 'rogue' rain over the SE. Colder tops were developing a wave-like shape by then and radar imagery displays a narrow rainband implying frontogenesis aloft.

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