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Weather Facebook group

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Trevor Harley

Jul 23, 2021, 9:21:12 AM7/23/21
to Weather and Climate
Without wishing to appear disloyal to this group, there is a very active weather group on Facebook, for those of you who use it. I think it started as a COL page, but could be wrong. It's moderated, so no dross, and the advantage is the easy of posting images and being able to see replies in threads.

Julian Mayes

Jul 24, 2021, 9:19:31 AM7/24/21
to Weather and Climate
I'm sure we all wish it well but it doesn't look that active, Trevor - 5 new posts y'day when I looked and only 2 so far today.  Sensible discussion is spread too thinly across too many sites. 

I'm not on Facebook so have not sampled it - I get most of my weather info and discussion / chat via twitter now. It beats all forums hands down. In effect, you moderate your own twitter feed and can always block people if they get through.   You soon get to distinguish between the shouty over hyping people but there are a lot of sensible, measured ppl out there too. 



Jul 24, 2021, 12:20:32 PM7/24/21
to Weather and Climate
I've just found you on Twitter, so I've followed you. I'll lurk for a while! But you're right, just be careful who you follow and some of the tweets can be excellent.

Julian Mayes

Jul 24, 2021, 12:48:34 PM7/24/21
to Weather and Climate
Metman 2012 - if that's me you are following, then thank you!
I take it you are the Class 50 train enthusiast?  (or it may be that you have not appeared yet in my profile and are wondering what a daft question that was).  I will continue to check here - you never know what will appear - but it is a shame all the good material is so splintered across so many different places. 

One example of a nice snippet from twitter yesterday - Tiree, in reaching 24.9C had its warmest day since 2005.   One contributor I'd certainly recommend is Dan Harris, a Met office forecaster who is very informative about climatic data and records etc. 

By all means all rush at once!

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