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Tudor Hughes

Jun 15, 2021, 11:45:09 PM6/15/21
to Weather and Climate
Much was made on the late-night weather forecast of heavy thunderstorms moving up from  France on Wednesday night but GFS downplays this quite significantly with little thunder though quite a bit of rain.  What do other observers feel about this?  Nominally the situation looks quite favourable for storms though the situation is not really a Spanish Plume.

Tudor Hughes.

Graham Easterling

Jun 16, 2021, 12:12:08 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate
Some just about to cross the Channel, whether they make it across the cool water is another thing. GFS seems to have the highest risk to the SE London, where it's hottest, though the current storms seem to be heading towards the south coast between Portsmouth & Brighton. 

Here the humid air means that yesterdays prolonged sunshine,  (Maximum 21.1C) has been replace by misty low cloud, fog now over the hills. 


robk fw190

Jun 16, 2021, 1:02:44 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate
Sat here in Brighton and the current storms seem to be taking a more North Easterly track probably from Eastbourne eastwards. Just presume that something else might develope later over Northern France?

Len W

Jun 16, 2021, 2:19:00 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate
The thunderstorms have Walsingham's name on them Tudor.

Len in storm free Wembury

Tudor Hughes

Jun 16, 2021, 3:22:47 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate

Did you mean Warlingham, Len? :-)  Very light rain started here at 8 pm BST and continues very light.  No thunder heard or lightning seen.  Very gloomy with 8 oktas of uniform Sc, cloudbase difficult to determine.  Max here 27.8°C and rather humid.

Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 557 ft, 170 m.

Len W

Jun 16, 2021, 5:28:04 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate
I was going to write Warmington because I associate you Tudor with Dad's Army but then thought that's not right so went for Walsingham. :-)

Len, not Wembley but Wembury

Tudor Hughes

Jun 16, 2021, 8:29:55 PM6/16/21
to Weather and Climate
Dad's Army?  Far too old for that, young man.  78 actually.  2 days younger than the great Daniel Barenboim.  That's why he's a better pianist than me - he's had longer to practise.


Graham Easterling

Jun 17, 2021, 4:32:32 AM6/17/21
to Weather and Climate
Just west of the cold front here, as so often seems to be the case in these conditions. Much fresher, but sunny.

No rain on the front, just a damping of mizzle ahead of it.


On Wednesday, 16 June 2021 at 19:19:00 UTC+1 Len W wrote:
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