So much for a rising glass

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May 31, 2018, 4:45:22 AM5/31/18
to Weather and Climate
If you tapped your barometer this morning on the south coast you might notice it had risen just a little overnight. Don't get to thinking that things are on the mend just yet, because it appears that features spiralling around the low in Biscay at the moment don't always cause the pressure to fall. That's probably because these features are troughs and are non-frontal but that's just an educated guess on my part.

Jack Harrison

May 31, 2018, 7:14:22 AM5/31/18
to Weather and Climate
Don't get to thinking that things are on the mend just yet
As I implied in another thread I cannot agree with "on the mend".  What is "better weather"?  Botanists and entomologists love this showery spell (interspersed with plenty of sun) as it stops the vegetation desiccating.  Butterfly enthusiasts, for example, are delighted by the rains.  And the Swallows seem to find the storms (further south) very much to their liking as they have [presumably] brought an abundance of insect food.  There were eight Swallows on wires above my house this morning.

No such thing as bad weather (or improving, on the mend, etc).  No such thing as good weather either.



May 31, 2018, 8:07:09 AM5/31/18
to Weather and Climate
I understand what you are saying Jack it's just weather.

Why 'better' always seems to equate to high temperatures in these days of Global Warming does seem rather odd. 
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