Spare a thought for those holidaying at Mablethorpe

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May 24, 2018, 8:50:58 AM5/24/18
to Weather and Climate

The last five days have been pretty bleak down the Lincolnshire coast.

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Jack Harrison

May 24, 2018, 2:38:26 PM5/24/18
to Weather and Climate
I'm not sure it needs need bad weather to make Mablethorpe unappealing.
The same would apply to my birthplace (a bit further southeast) Great Yarmouth.  I moved away circa 1960 and Yarmouth promptly went downhill.

At this point I must mention an extraordinary incident in Italy.  I had to divert due bad weather from Florence to Pisa (remember that I was an airline pilot).  There were several hours to wait before the passengers arrived from by bus from Florence.  I got chatting to the Italian Operations Officer.  He told me that every year, he went on holiday to England to:"a place you will never have heard of".  Yes, you've guessed: Great Yarmouth!  It takes all sorts!

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