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The August we know and hate

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Len W

Aug 8, 2019, 12:23:13 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
It has officially arrived.
Depressions in the forecast as far as the eye can see.

Boardmasters cancelled.
Minack cancelled.
Blues and Jazz festival Plymouth cancelled.
Pride festival Plymouth cancelled.
Cornwood show Dartmoor cancelled.

The list goes on.

'When the white eagle of the North is flying overhead

The browns, reds and golds of autumn lie in the gutter, dead...'

Well it feels a bit like it.


Wet Woeful Wembury

Graham Easterling

Aug 8, 2019, 1:43:23 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
It's probably worth pointing out Boardmasters surf contest (based at Fistral, though they may move some of the competition around to Tolcarne / Towan, where the surf should be clean) hasn't been cancelled, the associated music Festival based at Watergate has.

A wet Penzance 15 minutes of torrential rain this afternoon.

Dave C

Aug 8, 2019, 1:51:11 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
Well here I have to say I don't mind if it rains. No rain for 10 days and not much before that has caused a bit of a drought. This past week has probably been the most pleasant of the summer with lots of sunshine and temperatures never below a pleasant 24-26C with today being a surprising 26.2C max.

Len W

Aug 8, 2019, 3:32:20 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
There is a bit of a trend to wetter Augusts here in SW Devon.
But are n't we meant to be getting hotter drier summers in the UK in a globally warmer environment?

Brian Wakem

Aug 8, 2019, 3:40:45 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
Warmer air holds more moisture, so potentially wetter all year round!.

One thing I was thinking about the other day - if the entire atmosphere is warmer then it would hold a significant amount of extra water at any given moment, how would that effect sea level?  or would it be a drop in the ocean? (pun intended)

Graham Easterling

Aug 8, 2019, 4:32:44 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
I think thermal expansion of the oceans would more than compensate for that.


Len W

Aug 8, 2019, 6:31:38 PM8/8/19
to Weather and Climate
That's not what the experts say who think their models can project climate for regions of the world like the UK.
We are constantly been told the UK is likely to have hotter drier summers and warmer wetter winters in the future.
The thing is, water vapour clouds the issue. Models struggle to handle cloud types and cover, and the feedbacks.


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