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Cornwall windbreak day

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Graham Easterling

May 29, 2023, 9:09:40 AM5/29/23
to Weather and Climate
After near calm conditions until 10am yesterday, the wind picked up steadily from 11am, up to a F5 briefly mid afternoon, before steadily decreasing.

Today a fairly consistent F4 E wind. Long sunny periods, but for the 1st time since the 23rd it's not unbroken. With the wind coming down the peninsula there's some convergence, probably due to friction. There was yesterday, but the narrow band of cloud on that occasion crossed Mount's Bay to the south of Penzance, never getting in the way of the sun.

Max temperature (so far) 18.4C. A windbreak day. 

2023-05-29 12_26_09-Capture.png

There is a small swell now.

Len mentioned the visibility yesterday. Rather more haze today, it's somewhere in the 15-20 mile range.  Scilly's no longer visible from near Land's End. Lizard point fairly clear from Penzance. 


Graham Easterling

May 29, 2023, 10:21:43 AM5/29/23
to Weather and Climate
Eventually maximum 18.7C, it's dropped back to 17.5C now. What's died back to a F2-3 but it's veered onshore. 

Glad I'm not near the east coast, where 13C seems about the mark. 


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