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Interesting stat for today - can you beat it?

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Dave C

Aug 10, 2016, 6:21:27 PM8/10/16
to Weather and Climate
I was thinking about same day date differences in maximum temperatures. Max here was 20.6C today and 38.5C on Aug 10th 2003. So a difference of 17.9C in max for that date. I suspect there have been lower Aug 10th maxima so that differential could be larger still for August 10th. I wonder if it has been beaten on a different day? (Maybe a day in March?)

Brian Wakem

Aug 11, 2016, 4:49:00 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
I've only been keeping proper records for 3 years so I can't get anywhere near that.

Top 10:

13.8    2016-07-01      18.4    2015-07-01      32.2
13.1    2015-07-24      15.0    2014-07-24      28.1
12.8    2016-04-15      11.2    2015-04-15      24.0
11.9    2014-03-16      18.2    2015-03-16       6.3
11.8    2015-03-15       5.4    2014-03-15      17.2
11.2    2014-07-26      27.4    2015-07-26      16.2
11.1    2013-09-05      26.6    2015-09-05      15.5
11.0    2016-04-16       7.7    2015-04-16      18.7
11.0    2014-05-08      14.2    2016-05-08      25.2
10.8    2014-05-19      24.7    2015-05-19      13.9

Brian Wakem
Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey
Live obs @ 09:45:14 : 16.1C, DP 13.2C, RH 83%, 0.0 mm


Aug 11, 2016, 6:43:03 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
I'm afraid that I can trump most of the daily extremes so far, but only because I have a daily temperature series that started in 1878.
Here are the largest daily ranges in the Central England Temperature series since 1878:-

I can't identify the years that the extremes occurred in, but I'll rework the code to save and display the year they occurred in version 2, here's the graph:-

Brian Wakem

Aug 11, 2016, 7:18:48 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
Bruce - that's not right.  We were talking about the difference between maxes on the same say in different years, not the difference between a min and a max in different years.

Brian Wakem
Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey
Live obs @ 12:17:49 : 19.2C, DP 13.2C, RH 68%, 0.0 mm


Aug 11, 2016, 8:15:04 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
Oh I see the range of maximum temperatures through the year. 
I already have the extremes, so the graph was easy enough to regenerate, but the range is considerably smaller as you would expect from a composite temperature, and a lot more seasonal than the extreme range was.

Richard Dixon

Aug 11, 2016, 8:20:39 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
Bruce - both your graphs have statistically shown to me how generally drab late October / November is - can't get too cold, too late for an Indian summer and this diurnal ranges and extremes are - well - all a bit unremarkable!


George in Edinburgh

Aug 11, 2016, 11:20:53 AM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
From my Epping records 1979-2013

Jan 15th max range 20.0degC with -8.0C on 15/1/87 and +12.0C 0n 15/1/94

March 20th range 21.0degC with +3.3C on 20/3/2001 and +21.0C on 20/3/90

May 27th range 22.1degC with +10.0C on 27/5/84(and 1994)  and +32.1C 27/5/2005

but the winner is

August 10th with a range of 22.9degC, +15.0 on 10/8/1981 and 37.9C 0n 10/8/2003

Trevor Harley

Aug 11, 2016, 1:12:18 PM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
In 2003 the daily range at Altnaharra on Good Friday, the 18 April, was 28.2C (from 24.5C maximum to -3.7C minimum the next night).

A low of -7.0C on the 9th, at Tummel Bridge, near Pitlochry; yet in the afternoon it was 22.0C, a range of 29.0C, the highest temperature range recorded in Britain.
I think.

In England I have a memory that the good old frost hollow of Rickmansworth generated some large daily ranges.


Dave C

Aug 11, 2016, 4:06:39 PM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
Thanks George - I was thinking there must be a relatively low August 10th around here at some point. 
And thanks for the other interesting data that has been generated. 

George in Edinburgh

Aug 11, 2016, 5:01:09 PM8/11/16
to Weather and Climate
..and just look at that Essex  maximum of -8.0C Dave. Not sure that we'll see the like of that again-for at least a number of reasons . Almost 30 years ago it was. As said elsewhere on this thread my money would be on a Highland glen in late spring.

John Hall

Aug 13, 2016, 4:47:01 PM8/13/16
to Weather and Climate
Belated thanks, Bruce. One thought. Because the CET values are the means from, I think, three stations, the extreme ranges are likely be depressed a little from what you might find when looking at the individual stations.


Aug 13, 2016, 5:44:28 PM8/13/16
to Weather and Climate
Yes, you are correct that's the problem with a composite temperature.
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