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Copley January 2024

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Ken Cook

Feb 1, 2024, 9:08:36 AM2/1/24
to Weather and Climate

Reports for January 2024 for the Copley sites. (Averages refer to 1991-2020)

 Cloudy, wet and windy; normal temperatures.

 (Differences from 1991-2020 averages in brackets)

Copley Lead Mill site 218metres asl

Temperature °C (09Z-09Z)

Mean maximum   5.3 (0.1) High 11.1 on 23rd,  Low -2.0 on 17th

Mean minimum    0.1 (0.5)  Low -6.9 on 17th, High 3.9 on 29th

Mean screen          2.7 (0.3)

Mean 30cm earth  3.6 (0.2)

Air frost 12 (-7)

Days snow lying 50% 09Z, 6 (-4) snow on ground 6

Max depth 09Z  3cm on 17th

River Gaunless data (Copley Lead Mill Environment Agency monitoring site 09Z daily readings)

Mean level 0.24m high 0.50m on 23rd, low 0.13m on 18th (normal 0.00m to 0.60m)

Mean river temperature 09Z 4.2, high 5.7 on 28th, low 1.6 on 15th


Copley Met O site 253metres asl

Temperature °C (09Z-09Z)

Mean maximum   5.5 (0.1)  High 10.9 on 23rd, Low  -0.3 on 15th

Mean minimum    0.7 (0.3)   Low -5.5 on 17th, High 3.9 on 29th

Mean screen         3.1 (0.2)

Mean grass minimum -2.4 (0.0)  Low -11.4 on 17th

Mean concrete minimum -0.4 (0.1) Low -7.9 on 18th

Mean 30cm earth    4.6 (0.5)

Mean 100cm earth  5.9 (0.6)

Air frost 8 (-7) 109 hours

Ground frost  21 (-3)

Concrete frost 15 (-4)


Precipitation mm (09Z-09Z)

Total 109.7 (152%) High 19.1 on 23rd

Days 0.2mm  21 (1)

Days 1.0mm  16 (2)

Hail 3 (1)

Thunder  0 (0)


Snow cm

Days falling 12 (-1)

Days lying 50% 09Z, 4 (-4) snow on ground 6

Fresh falls 09Z 6cm (-15cm)

Max depth 09Z 5cm on 27th


Sunshine hr (R&D electronic recorder)                                Sunshine hr (Campbell Stokes)

Total              65.9 (91%)                                                             59.2  (80%)

Max day          7.2 on 17th                                                              6.8 on 18th

Average daily  2.1 (27% of the possible 7.9hr / day)                     1.9 (24% possible)

Days no sun     9                                                                            11 


Fog (Vis <1km 09Z), 2 (-2)


Wind KT (Davis recorder)

Mean SW 9.2 (-3.3) High gust 53 on 22nd

Gale days  5 (3) 

Ken Cook, Copley, Teesdale / Weardale watershed

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