I'd go along with that. There's is no doubt that global warming is very concerning & will bring about changes we should be very keen to avoid. However this need to blame it for every event is doing more harm than good. Down here in windy Cornwall every gale is blamed on climate change, even though the gale frequency has been low this centuary (Perhaps because the temperature gradient in the bearby north Atlantic has reduced slightly because of the warming of the Arctic) This allows councils and government (and indeed the NT) to say that every sea wall collapse is down to 'increased storminess', which is b*ll*cks, poor maintenance is the reason.
The only practical route into Mousehole is slowly sliding into the sea, nothing has been done for decades, except replace the fence as is slides into the sea and repair one bit they had to do as half the road disappeared. I await an appropriate global warming event.
Strange that everything is blamed on global warming, but global CO2 emissions keep rising, unless there's a lockdown.
Penzance - even more worrying, the addiction to vast quantities totally uneccessary plasic, especially in TesMorBurys. (Good word Andrew)