Tamil party election victory raises hopes of self-rule in Sri Lanka’s north

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Tamaki Hosoe

Sep 22, 2013, 9:03:09 PM9/22/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com

Congratulations for the Tamils

Tamil party election victory raises hopes of self-rule in Sri Lanka’s north


JAFFNA, SRI LANKA – Sri Lanka’s main Tamil party won a landslide victory Sunday in landmark elections in the battle-scarred north, raising hopes of some degree of self-rule for the ethnic minority after decades of war.

The opposition Tamil National Alliance (TNA) won 30 out of 38 seats in polls for a provincial council in the former war zone.

The election was called by the government amid international pressure for the majority Sinhalese to share power with Tamils four years after the end of the bloody separatist conflict.

TNA leader C.V. Wigneswaran said the results were an overwhelming vote for self-rule for Tamils. He repeated his demand for the military to withdraw from the Tamil-dominated north, saying there is no reason for its presence since the end of the war in 2009.

“That (army presence) is the primary problem the Tamils of the Northern province are having today,” Wigneswaran told foreign reporters in the region’s capital, Jaffna, shortly after results were announced. ...

Read whole story

Letter from Einstein to Freud
To Sigmund Freud
A private letter written around 1931 or the beginning of 1932.

Dear Professor Freud:

 ... (skipped)
  The political leaders or governments owe their position partly to force and partly to popular election. They can not be regarded as representative of the best elements, morally or intellectually, in their respective nations. (Einstein must mean "political leaders" by national leaders.) The intellectual elite have no direct influence on the history of nations in these days; their lack of cohesion prevents them taking a direct part in the solution of contemporary problems. Don't you think that a change might be brought about in this respect by a free association of people whose previous achievements and actions constitute a guarantee of their ability and purity of aim? This association of an intellectual nature, whose members would need to keep in touch with each other by a constant interchange of opinions, might, by defining its attitude by the Press  -- responsibility always resting with the signatories on any given occasion -- acquire a considerable and salutary moral inf
luence over the settlement of political questions. (...skipped) But should not an effort in this direction be risked in spite of this? I look upon such an attempt as nothing less than an IMPERATIVE DUTY.

  If an intellectual association of standing, such as I have described, could be formed, it would also have to make a consistent effort to mobilize the religious organizations for the fight against war. It would give countenance to many whose good intentions are paralyzed totally by a melancholy resignation. Finally, I believe that an association formed of persons such as I have described, each highly esteemed in his own line, would be well suited to give valuable moral support to those elements in the League of Nations which are really working toward the great objective for which that institution exists.

  I had rather put these proposals to you than to anyone else in the world, because you, least of all men, are the dupe of your desires and because your critical judgment is supported by a most grave sense of responsibility.

Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein, p. 104. 1954. ISBN 0-517-55601-4

Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan

http://www.peace-ashram.org/sgi/ Nuclear Free Treaty Organization 非核条約機構
http://www.peace-ashram.org/sgi/wcrw.html 非核条約機構 NFTO
http://www.peace-ashram.org/John_F_Kennedy-SoundWorksUSA.mp3 John F. Kennedy
http://www.peace-ashram.org/Martin_Luther_King-Jr-SoundWorksUSA.mp3 Martin Luther King Jr.

Music follows (  ^  o  ^  )
http://amzn.to/oN36dL Tamaki's Review on Amazon.co.JP

http://creative.webspace.ne.jp/bbs/creative_tree_r_10.html START for PEACE
平和を今から START for PEACE

Music on February 26, 1991, and final version on February 9, 2001

1. 僕たちだけが 幸せでいいの? 私たちだけが 平和でいいの?
  この町のかたすみ この路地裏で、 私が誰かに 心 とざす時、
  にくしみの命が、 あの国へも届く。
  Stop, stop, stop, stop the war ! 戦争を やめて!
  Stop, stop, stop, stop the war. Stop, stop, stop, stop the war,
  Stop the war, 変えよう君と僕とで さあ今だ!

2. 君たちだけが? 幸せでいいの? あなた達だけも 平和でいいの?
  この町の川岸 あの波に向かって、 私があなたに 心 ひらく時、
  慈(いつく)しむ命を、 あの国へと運ぶ (波が!)
  Start, start, start, start for peace ! 平和を 今から!
  Start, start, start, start for peace. Start, start, start, start for peace,
  Start for peace, 創ろう君と僕とで さあ今だ!

3. この世に生まれた 使命を果たし、 僕たちの地球を 子供のために。
  大人たちあなたは、 あまりにも愚かだ。 なぜ人が人と 殺しあえるのか?
  僕たちは生きる はるかな星めざし。
  Start, start, start to Qualify Life ! 使命を果たして!
  Start, start, start to Qualify Life. Start, start, start to Qualify Life,
  To Qualify Life, はるかな未来に向かい ?さあ行こう!

4. 「私たちの地球 母なる太陽、この手で守る」 固い 誓いを、
  私たち一緒に、始めましょうよ。 空気や 水や、堅い ちぎりを、
  心から 歌えば、未来輝く。
  Stars, stars, stars, stars survive ! 森緑(もりみどり) 守れ!
  Stars, stars, stars, stars survive. Stars, stars, stars, stars survive,
  Stars survive, 蒼(あお)い空 青い海へ さあ行こう!

※ refrain in slow tempo

Stop, stop, stop, stop the war ! 戦争を やめて!
Start, start, start to Qualify Life,
Stars survive, はるかな未来に向かい さあ行こう!

Start, start, start to Qualify Life.
Stars, stars, stars, stars survive,
Stars survive, 蒼(あお)い空 青い海へ さあ行こう!

Blue, blue, blue, blue from green! 森緑(もりみどり)増やせ!
Blue, blue, blue, blue from green.
Blue, blue, blue, blue from green,
Blue from green, 幸せな 地球家族 万々歳!


a conditioning song of synactiveness
in memory of my classmate, late Seima Aoyama, Full-moon, September, 2009

Andante Maestoso

Pigeons, sea gulls, sparrows, nightingales. (whistle, whistle, whistle)
Freedom fly to me, freedom fly to me.        (Fine)
*1 My friend crashed into one of twin towers on the plane Boston - New York!
  Blaming words, closed hearts, flame of hatred, fear, revenge after revenge.
  Boston - New York plane crashed into one of twin towers, 2001!
Freedom fly to me, freedom fly to me.     (Da Capo)

*2 Savage days an' savage nights in our deserts, how many days can't we sleep overnight?
  Blaming words, bombs, planes, tanks, leukemia, fires, guns'n child soldiers.
  Savage days an' savage nights in our deserts, how many days can't we sleep o'er night?

*3 Call of greetings, call of blessings, exchange kissing, shaking hands an' hugging tight and tight,
  Peace in our hearts melts freezing hatred shaping into love and love.
  Call of greetings, call of blessings, exchange kissing, shaking hands, hugging tight an' tight!

I Love You Crestine (Courtesy of Ich Liebe Dich by Ludwig van Beethoven)
English version on 10/20/2009

I love you Crestine as you love me,
From the morning to the night.
Never even one day my and your hearts tear apart each other.
Ah my tears and your pains we heal them each other;
You mother me of my sufferings,
I share our delight and delight, our delight.
May Goddess' blessing be over you, you make my life joy,
God protect you, keep you with me, protect and keep us together.
God protect you, keep you with me, protect and keep us together,
Keep and keep us together, keep us together!

c. Tamaki

Tamaki Hosoe

Oct 2, 2013, 1:29:48 AM10/2/13
to wc...@googlegroups.com
http://www.peace-ashram.org/sgi/ 非核条約機構 Nuclear Free Treaty
Organization 多国語版 入り口

1. 行動する平和憲法のネットワーク HP について、山口さんと会い、新アドレスを

2. Jonathan の生命哲学の部屋も、すでに表示されません (;。;..)
Aquablue...@... さんは、ここから自ら登録削除されてメッセージは届いていません



Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan
http://www.peace-ashram.org/agenda/contact.html Contact

http://www.peace-ashram.org/sgi/ 非核条約機構 Nuclear Free Treaty
Organization 多国語版 入り口、こちらはヒロシマ ピースサイト メールなども当初
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