Fwd: Programa Ejecutivo para líderes/ Executive Programme for leaders

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Tamaki Hosoe

Sep 14, 2013, 11:54:05 PM9/14/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com, Jaana Laitinen, Secretariat
Dear Youth Coordinator, The Earth Charter,

I, we have subscribed to the Charter e-newsletter, but you stopped sending it. Add <sgi-...@googlegroups.com> on your To list again, please.

Subject: Programa Ejecutivo para líderes/ Executive Programme for leaders
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 00:10:02 -0600
From: Earth Charter Education


Le enviamos esta invitación especial al Programa Ejecutivo para líderes:  “Internalización de Principios y Valores para la Sustentabilidad”, a realizarse en Costa Rica, del 26 al 29 de noviembre del 2013. Encuentre en el flyer toda la información, y no dude en comunicarse si tiene dudas a ap...@earthcharter.org



This is a special invitation for the Earth Charter Executive Programme in Spanish:  “Internalization of Sustainability Values and Principles”, to be held in Costa Rica, on 26-29 November, 2013. Find all information in the flyer below, and please contact us if you have questions:  ap...@earthcharter.org

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Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, Wasa, servant of harmony (^o_) Japan
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