Fwd: Another War Is Not the Answer

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Tamaki Hosoe

Sep 9, 2013, 5:47:58 PM9/9/13
to sgi-...@googlegroups.com, wc...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Another War Is Not the Answer
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2013 13:52:35 -0700
From: David Krieger <dkri...@napf.org>
To: <wagin...@napf.org>


Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Committed to a World Free of Nuclear Weapons

Another War Is Not the Answer

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Map of SyriaWe are partnering with Roots Action on this important and urgent issue. Clicking "Take Action" will take you to an action page run by Roots Action.

The British Parliament has rejected any UK military action in Syria. The U.S. Congress is now considering the issue. Now is the time to encourage your members of Congress, before it's too late.

The terrible and widespread killing in Syria will become even more terrible and more widespread if the U.S. military (or a coalition of allies) launches an attack.

Your voice can make a difference. Congressional leaders have said that this will be a “vote of conscience” for members, meaning the Republican and Democratic leadership will not “whip” them to vote a certain way.

In less than a minute, you can send an urgent email to your senators and representative (with a "cc" to President Obama) urging them to oppose a U.S. military attack on Syria. Click here.

Here are just a few reasons to oppose a U.S. attack on Syria:

  • Even a limited U.S. attack on Syria is likely to increase the death and suffering of Syrian people without effectively punishing the Assad regime.
  • We will enter into the fog of war with unknown consequences for Syria, the U.S., other countries and the world.
  • It will violate international law by failing to seek United Nations authorization.
  • It will increase tensions with Russia. Both the U.S. and Russia still have some 1,000 nuclear weapons each on hair-trigger alert.
  • Wars should not be initiated because a president draws a “red line.”
  • It would make Assad into a regional hero for standing up to a U.S. attack.
  • Congressional approval is not sufficient justification for the U.S. to violate its obligations under the United Nations Charter.

Peaceful solutions are possible. The perpetrators of the apparent chemical weapons attack could be referred to the International Criminal Court for war crimes prosecution. Under the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), signed by nearly every country, parties to the CWC should convene a special meeting to consider the situation in Syria and recommend appropriate responses.

Click here to tell those who would bomb people in your name that you strongly oppose such actions.

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Click here to visit our homepage www.wagingpeace.org

A Campaign of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - www.wagingpeace.org - in partnership with Roots Action.

© Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 1998 - 2013

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empowered by Salsa

forwareded by
Tamaki Hosoe, Physiotherapist, servant of harmony, Nagakute (^o_) Japan

http://www.peace-ashram.org/John_F_Kennedy-SoundWorksUSA.mp3 John F. Kennedy
http://www.peace-ashram.org/Martin_Luther_King-Jr-SoundWorksUSA.mp3 Martin Luther King Jr.


a conditioning song of synactiveness
in memory of my classmate, late Seima Aoyama, Full-moon, September, 2009

Andante Maestoso

Pigeons, sea gulls, sparrows, nightingales. (whistle, whistle, whistle)
Freedom fly to me, freedom fly to me.        (Fine)
*1 My friend crashed into one of twin towers on the plane Boston - New York!
  Blaming words, closed hearts, flame of hatred, fear, revenge after revenge.
  Boston - New York plane crashed into one of twin towers, 2001!
Freedom fly to me, freedom fly to me.     (Da Capo)

*2 Savage days an' savage nights in our deserts, how many days can't we sleep overnight?
  Blaming words, bombs, planes, tanks, leukemia, fires, guns'n child soldiers.
  Savage days an' savage nights in our deserts, how many days can't we sleep o'er night?

*3 Call of greetings, call of blessings, exchange kissing, shaking hands an' hugging tight and tight,
  Peace in our hearts melts freezing hatred shaping into love and love.
  Call of greetings, call of blessings, exchange kissing, shaking hands, hugging tight an' tight!

I Love You Crestine (Courtesy of Ich Liebe Dich by Ludwig van Beethoven)
English version on 10/20/2009

I love you Crestine as you love me,
From the morning to the night.
Never even one day my and your hearts tear apart each other.
Ah my tears and your pains we heal them each other;
You mother me of my sufferings,
I share our delight and delight, our delight.
May Goddess' blessing be over you, you make my life joy,
God protect you, keep you with me, protect and keep us together.
God protect you, keep you with me, protect and keep us together,
Keep and keep us together, keep us together!

c. Tamaki
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